Journal of the College of Basic Education <p><strong>The Journal of the College of Basic Education (CBEJ) is a refereed scientific journal issued by the College of Basic Education / Al-Mustansiriya University (Baghdad - Iraq) every three months and in two parts, one part for humanities and educational sciences and one part for pure sciences. Its first issue was in 1994 under the name of the Journal of Teachers College, whose name was changed to correspond with the name of the college in 2004 to the Journal of the College of Basic Education.</strong></p> <p><strong>The magazine holds a digital identifier (DOI).</strong></p> <p><strong>It also holds the International Standard Number (ISSN).</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN: 1815-7467 (Print)</strong><br /><strong>ISSN: 2706-8536 (Electronic)</strong></p> الجامعة المستنصرية en-US Journal of the College of Basic Education 1815-7467 The impact of a proposed curriculum for teaching the general Arabic language subject in accordance with academic accreditation standards on the achievement of female students in colleges of education <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; يرمي البحث الحالي <u>الى</u> تعرف "<strong> أثر منهج مقترح لتدريس مادة اللغة العربية العامة على وفق معايير الاعتماد الاكاديمي في تحصيل طالبات كليات التربية للبنات</strong> " ولتحقيق هدف البحث اعتمد الباحثان منهج البحث التجريبي واختار تصميما تجريبيأ ذي المجموعتين والاختبار البعدي وصاغ الباحثان الفرضية الصفرية الاتية " لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى دلالة (0,05) بين متوسط درجات طالبات المجموعة التجريبية اللاتي يدرسن مادة اللغة العربية العامة بالمنهج المقترح ومتوسط درجات طالبات المجموعة الضابطة اللاتي يدرسن المادة نفسها (بالطريقة الاعتيادية) في الاختبار التحصيلي لمادة العربية العامة " ، وتكون مجتمع البحث من طالبات اقسام غير الاختصاص لكليات التربية للبنات للعام الدراسي (2021-2022) ، واختارت الباحثة عشوائياً قسم علوم القرآن لتطبيق تجربة البحث واختارت الباحثة قاعتي (ج، أ) بطريقة السحب العشوائي البسيط** ، لتكون مجموعتي البحث ، فاختارت الباحثة شعبة (ج) لتمثل المجموعة التجريبية وعدد طلبتها (32) طالبة التي ستدرس طلبتها على وفق(المنهج المقترح) ، ومثلت الشعبة (أ) المجموعة الضابطة وعدد طلبتها (31) طالبة التي ستدرس طلبتها على وفق (الطريقة الاعتيادية) ، كافأت الباحثة بين مجموعات البحث في المتغيرات (اختبار الذكاءء ، واختبار القدرة اللغوية ، ودرجات اختبار العام السابق العام الدراسي (2020-2021 )) ، وقد أعدَّ الباحثان اختبار لقياس تحصيل طالبات مجموعتي البحث تكون من (50) فقرة اختبارية من نوع الاختيار من متعدد تحققا من صدقه وثباته ، استمرت التَجربة عاماً دراسياً كاملاً ، وأستعملت الباحثة الوسائل الإحصائية الملائمة لإجراءات بحثه الاتية ( الاختبار التائي ، ومربع كاي ، ومعامل ارتباط بيرسون، ومعامل الصعوبة ، ومعامل القوة التمييزية ، فعالية البدائل الخاطئة) ، وقد أسفرتْ النتائج تفوق المجموعة التجريبية على المجموعة الضابطة في الاختبار التحصيلي البعدي وقد خرج البحث بعدد من الاستنتاجات منها أن استعمال المنهج المقترح يسهم في زيادة نشاط الطالبات وفاعليتهن وميلهن نحو مادة العربية العامة ، كما اوصى الباحثان بعدد من التوصيات منها اعتماد المنهج المقترح في تدريس مادة العربية العامة لأقسام غير الاختصاص في كلية التربية للبنات, واقترح الباحثان عدد من المقترحات منها إجراء دراسة مماثلة للدراسة الحالية على متغيرات اخر .</p> زهراء رخيت عكله ا.د.قصي عبد العباس الابيض Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 1 17 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11181 بناء برنامج ارشادي مستند الى نظرية ستامفل لتنمية المواجهة الاستباقية لدى طالبات المرحلة الإعدادية <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;The current research aims to identify building a counseling program based on Stampfel's theory to develop proactive confrontation among middle school students. The purpose of achieving the goal of the research, the researchers carried out the following procedures. Building a proactive confrontation scale consisting of (33) items distributed over three domains. The first domain includes (planning), the second domain includes (defining goals), and the third domain includes (advance preparation for confrontation). After extracting the psychometric characteristics of the scale, a counseling program was built according to the Boders and Dardi model, which included (12), suggested counseling sessions to develop proactive confrontation among middle school students. Relying on the techniques and methods of Stampfel's theory and extracting the virtual validity of the program after presenting it to a group of arbitrators specialized in psychological counseling and educational guidance. It was applied to an exploratory sample consisting of (24) female students who appeared to have low scores in the proactive confrontation compared to the hypothetical mean of (93). The two researchers used appropriate statistical methods to achieve the goal of the research.</p> دعاء قيس نواف ا.د.نشعة كريم عذاب Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 18 41 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11182 Linguistic sounds and verbal composition, an analytical study <p>The idea of ​​the research is based on linking verbal composition in the tripartite system of the language to the sounds of the pronunciation itself and the extent to which the composition takes into account harmony and dissonance and its consideration of phonetic and linguistic functions and the effect of this in neglecting the pronunciation and its use. As for what exceeds the tripartite, it is included in the morphological forms of Arabic structures, whether it is abstracted from (verb) or In more detail on the different meters, the research dealt with an aspect of verbal composition in the tripartite system, with an explanation of the aspects of heaviness and dissonance in some non-triadic words that appear in the Arabic heritage.</p> م . د . زينب صادق داود عبد الحسين المؤذن Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 42 59 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11183 Temporal and spatial change in the urban expansion of the Holy City of Najaf using remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems GIS <p>The phenomenon of urban growth has recently become one of the most important global issues affecting the sustainability of land use in both large and small cities. In addition, this phenomenon has become a problem that is plaguing researchers, planners and decision makers as it is growing rapidly and steadily, threatening the natural ecosystem around Iraqi cities in general and the city of Najaf in particular are not immune to this phenomenon due to the rapid population and economic growth witnessed by the city of Najaf because of the religious tourism movement of the holy shrines, resulting in an increase in demand for land for the purpose of construction, both residential Or economic In recent times urban planners and decision-makers are looking for the most successful ways to assess this phenomenon qualitatively and quantitatively in order to develop the most appropriate plans, whether short or long-term for sustainable urban development. Hence, the use of remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems is one of the most important methods in assessing and measuring this phenomenon spatially and temporally. The problem of research is the lack of maps and data for the sizes and expansions of cities at various time intervals. The importance of research in providing maps and data for the expansion of the city of Najaf and for different periods of time. The objective of this study is to extract the values of the areas of urban expansion in all directions to the city of Najaf between 1986-2014 in order to know and understand the limits of this phenomenon in the city. For this purpose, the study used the image of LandSat 5, 1986, LandSat 5 1999 and LandSat 8 2016, which are estimated to be 30 meters in order to generate land use maps for the city, and then classify land uses into only two urban and non-urban uses. Such as the Kay square test and urban density index in order to better understand urban growth patterns in the city. The results show that urban growth in the city increased from 20.044 km2 in 1986 to 85.39 km2 in 2014, In the city of Najaf suffer Of unsustainable and unbalanced growth, particularly in the northern and then northern directions, where they began to slow down in the period 1999-2016 due to the non-expansion barrier, namely the airport, while the total value of the urban density index between 1986-2016 was 6.49 This indicates the need for urban planning policies in the city that take into account sustainable urban growth.</p> Dr Ahmed.H. Al Sulttani Dunya Abduljabar Naji DiyarAbdalmonem abdalkareem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 60 73 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11184 Monitoring vegetation changes using the NDVI index in Baghdad Governorate <p>This study dealt with (monitoring vegetation cover changes using the NDVI index in Baghdad governorate) by employing and analyzing satellite visuals. The oldest satellite visualization was used from the year (1984) to (2022) in the study area and measuring the change of vegetation cover for every (10) years and for five periods.&nbsp; For the winter and summer seasons, this study concluded that there was a clear change in the vegetation cover during the mentioned period for all cultivars, according to what was mentioned in the satellite visual.&nbsp; In the dense vegetation cover and the rule of barren lands in the study area due to climatic changes and some human actions</p> Solaf Adnan Al-Nouri Solaf Adnan Al-Nouri Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 74 100 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11185 Investigations of hudud and felonies according to Sayyid Muhammad Taqi al-Naqwi (may God have mercy on him) (d. 1289 AH) in his interpretation (Dia Al-Furqan in the interpretation of the Qur’an) <p>stem from a purely emotional desire And the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and from here the discussion is about the importance of the subject of jurisprudence (the verses of rulings in Surat Al-Nisa in the interpretation of Diaa Al-Furqan by Al-Sayyid Al-Naqwi) (may God have mercy on him) Because he was the owner of a jurisprudential theory, deriving his jurisprudential opinions from the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and the narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), and the interpretation of the verses of rulings went through stages since the revelation began to descend to this day, so the first reference was the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) Where he was explaining the meaning of the verse, interpreting it, and clarifying its ruling, Muslims took the path on the broad lines that were drawn by the greatest Messenger, writing the meaning of verse by verse, or clarifying it with the words of what came down to his heart of revelation, through his glorious Sunnah, and as jurisprudence arose and expanded its scope, and that is for the need of Muslims To fatwa and understand the legal provisions After that, it became a focus for the attention of scholars and jurists, as they devoted the greatest amount of their efforts to it, and they exerted most of their effort in order to know it and achieve it, so they explained the sub-rulings received from the Holy Book and the honorable Sunnah, and this nation gave birth to scholars who excelled in various types of science, especially Sharia Because of the importance of this book, I wanted to clarify the topics of the verses of rulings in its interpretation, including (hudud and felonies in Surat al-Nisa).</p> Zainab Hussein Obaid Dr. Maha Amer Mansour Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 101 131 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11191 Feeling of psychological cohesion and its relationship to risk perception among kindergarten teacher <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The aim of the current research is to identify the feeling of psychological cohesion and its relationship to the perception of risks among kindergarten teachers, as the sample of the research included (200) female kindergarten teachers in the education of &nbsp;Diyala Governorate. Based on previous theories and studies related to the subject of its research, as the scale of feelings of psychological cohesion included (36) items distributed on three dimensions, namely: (feelings of clarity, feelings of voluntariness or will (ability to overcome), feelings of meaning), and the measure of risk perception in its final form included (40 It is divided into four dimensions, namely: (environmental risks, health risks, economic risks, social risks), and the researcher verified the psychometric characteristics of the two research tools, which are: honesty and stability, and the verification of honesty was in two ways: apparent honesty, and constructive honesty, and stability was extracted to measure feelings of psychological cohesion and risk perception By (retest) method, and (Vachronbach equation). After analyzing and processing the data statistically using the statistical bag (spss), the researcher reached the following results:</p> Safa Hafez Hussain Assi Prof. Dr.Murooj Adel Khalaf Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 132 158 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11192 China's policy towards North Korea during the Cultural Revolution 1966-1976 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; During the Sino-Soviet division, North Korea became the focus of conflict and rivalry between China and the Soviet Union, as both sides tried to drag it into its axis by signing agreements with it and providing aid that North Korea desperately needed, North Korea's relationship with China has always been complex and contradictory, ostensibly linked by a common ideology, despite this, it wanted to maintain its relationship with Beijing and refrained from opposing it publicly until the Cultural Revolution, the latter and the disagreement over Pyongyang's relationship with Moscow had an impact on the decline in the relationship between the two countries, in addition to Mao's purge of many prominent Chinese Communist Party leaders.</p> Abbas Shakir Zaidan Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadia Kadhum Mohammed Al-Aboodi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 159 179 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11193 The impact of the Ottoman reform in Persia Until the nineteenth century <p>Since the Safavid era, Persia witnessed reform ideas that were influenced by what was happening in the Ottoman Empire, and its transformations left traces in Persian society. The attempts of reform and modernization in the Ottoman Empire are very clear. The geographical aspect and the long borders between the Ottoman Empire and Persia contributed to the transmission of modern ideas and reformist tendencies to Persia, in addition to the role of diplomatic staff, merchants, and somemerchants, and some students and employees in that direction. The reform attempts in Persia had an impact on the course of Iranian history.</p> <p>Some of them did not succeed due to the opposition of some of the governmental and popular beneficiaries, on the other hand, they alerted the minds and reflected the extent of benefiting from the Ottoman or European reform to serve the Iranian society from which, especially the patriots, eventually entered into a struggle against the colonial powers and those who supported them in the country.</p> أ.د. عبد الرحمن أدريس صالح م.د. عارف شاكر محمود Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 180 190 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11194 The other in Himyar's poetry <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The duality of the ego and the other is one of the most important topics that have secured its place in the world of thought, as it has formed the focus of study and interest of researchers and critics in order to capture its lights and provide a clear picture of this dialectic, as the research at the heart of this duality is related to the development that man has become, which sometimes leads him to Ambiguity and ambiguity, just as the philosophical background of the ego and the other, and its dress in literature and criticism, increased its complexity and study, and this duality is characterized by inseparability, as it is not possible to talk about the ego without thinking about the other, just as the existence of the ego requires the necessity of the existence of the other, and the following is an attempt to set a conceptual framework for this binary.</p> Abeer Shamkhi Ahmed Rajaa necessary Ramadan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 191 205 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11195 The Digital Competencies of Secondary School Geography Teachers Based on Virtual Learning Environments <p>This study aims to evaluate digital proficiency of geography teachers in secondary schools within the Diyala province, particularly focusing on their competence in virtual learning environments. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) will be employed to collect and analyse primary data through the survey-field research approach. A sample of 98 instructors and schools has been selected from the overall research population of 693 teachers and schools, specifically encompassing geography teachers at government secondary schools in the Diyala, The level of digital proficiency among secondary school geography teachers in online learning settings was gauged using a 25-item questionnaire, whose validity and reliability were confirmed by experts in the field. The study's results, with a significance level of (0.05), indicate a statistically significant connection between all questionnaire items and the three when both genders were combined and categorized by experience (less than 10 years and greater than 10 years). Additionally, both genders combined (less than 10 years) (greater than 10 years), female geography teachers exhibited higher arithmetic means than their male counterparts in the gender variable. Geography teachers with less than 10 years of experience demonstrated a notable deficiency in digital competencies with virtual learning environments. The findings underscore a substantial lack of digital proficiency among secondary school geography teachers in virtual learning environments. Recommendations from the researcher include initiatives to educate geography instructors on digital tools and researches, enhancing their digital literacy for applications in secondary schools’ virtual learning environments. The researcher also emphasizes the need to focus on educating female geography instructors on effectively utilizing these technological tools and resources in the teaching and learning process. Additionally, the researcher suggests conducting a study to advance the digital proficiency of secondary school geography teachers in online learning settings.</p> Alaa Jawad Kadhim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 206 220 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11207 حديث احمد بن سنان في فضيلة طلحة <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The narrations of Al-Hafiz Ahmed bin Sinan bin Asad bin Haban in the six books_ an analytical study_ it became clear from the study of his life that he is one of the imams of hadith, the trustworthy memorizers, and he was the imam of the people of his time. Aaron, I studied his narrations (35) A hadith in the six books, and that is by extracting it from its original sources, then studying the men of attribution, then judging the attribution of the hadith after examining the words of the scholars of al-Jarh and at-Ta’deel, showing after that what is in the hadiths of strange hadiths and the meanings of vocabulary from books of strange hadiths and dictionaries of the language, then explaining the hadiths In general, from the books of explanations, then he mentioned the benefits deduced from the hadith, and the research plan was as follows: The research plan was as follows: The first topic: Fadila Talha: In it: The first requirement: GraduationThe second requirement: studying the chain of transmission, the third requirement: judging the hadith, and the fourth requirement: the overall meaning of the hadith.</p> لجين عبد المنعم عبد السلام ا.م.د احمد جاسم محمد Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 221 226 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11210 مراحل تطور مدرسة التفيض الأهلية 1919- 1939 <p>Since its establishment, Al-Tafayudh Private School had played a significantrole in the Iraqi student movement, the development of events in the country and the growing national awareness, as well as the guidance of the rational religious authority, which motivated the students to contribute more to the struggle of our people against colonial control and against the unjust treaties concluded by the Iraqi government with Britain, it also played a Prominent role in overthrowing the reactionary government of Yassin al-Hashemi after supporting the national coup that overthrew it, worth to note that the roles of the student movement had ranged from protests, demonstrations, to&nbsp; mass strikes of a general patriotic nature.</p> <p>On the other hand, Al-Tafayudh Private school had sought to keep pace with the laws and regulations of the Ministry of Education in order to improve the educational process, which made it stand in the ranks of modern model schools, it was able to graduate a constellation of the best men who served their country in all fields.</p> مروه هاني مسلم كاظم أ.م.د.سؤدد عبد الحسين سبتي Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 227 246 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11211 The teacher's role in active learning <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;This research aims to find out (the role of the teacher in active learning). To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher intended to explain the role of the teacher in active learning by dividing the research into chapters that dealt with aspects of the role of the teacher in active learning. After that, it is one of the elements of the education process, so it has a distinctive and effective role during the application. Active learning is based on the roles determined by the theoretical frameworks of the constructivist theory and the social theory of learning. Therefore, a number of researchers and specialists have recommended that the teacher exercise the following roles to ensure the success of active learning and achieve its desired goals. The researcher found many roles for the teacher in active learning, including providing guidance, guidance and assistance to the learners during learning, Putting learners in situations that stimulate thinking and make them feel challenged and determined, increase learners’ motivation and develop their inclinations and attitudes towards learning, and conclude the application of teaching strategies that have proven effective in increasing students’ interaction with the educational material, their interest in acquiring information and new types of knowledge, and applying teaching strategies that focus on cooperation and active participation during learning. This may help students cooperate in achieving goals collectively.</p> Muhannad Kamal Muhammad Pr. D. Ammar Ismail Khalil Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 247 255 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11212 Evaluating the possibilities of investing resources valley Basin Fouad <p>valley Basin Fouad is one of the basins located east of the Western Desert, which is located within Karbala Governorate and slopes northeast of the Razaza Depression. The basin occupies an area of ​​(259.22 km2). The aim of this study is the possibility of investing in the natural resources of limestone, sand, clay, and gypsum, as they are of economic value for the study area to benefit from. Including in the construction industries, especially the possibilities of investing in surface and groundwater resources. Groundwater is one of the important sources in the basin and knowing the physical and chemical characteristics of the wells, which number (18), in order to determine the suitability of water for drinking for humans and evaluate irrigation water for agricultural purposes. The study concluded a number of Among the recommendations that we can invest naturally and humanly.</p> Noor Ali Ghalum Majed Hamed Mohsen Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 256 268 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11213 The character in Burhan Shawi’s mazes <p>The research included the narrative personality in the labyrinths of Burhan Shaoui, due to its significant clear role in the labyrinths. The study came within this technique that distinguished by its methods of fictional characters'&nbsp; presentation, and it revealed to us how the characters are presented to themselves or others through their actions or behaviors. The rates of characters'&nbsp; presentation varied and the character that informs about another has dominated over that which tells about itself (its condition), also the variable characters (round) have dominated clearly and significantly over the developing characters (flat).</p> NOOR Mohamed Izz ALDIN A.P.D. Ahmed Abdul Razzaq Nasser Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 269 289 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11235 مهارات التأقلم وعلاقتها بالعدوى الانفعالية لدى طالبات قسم رياض الاطفال <p>جاء البحث الحالي هادفا الى دراسة مهارات التأقلم وعلاقتها بالعدوى الانفعالية لدى طالبات قسم رياض الاطفال . قد يمثل البحث اضافة نوعية للمكتبة التخصصية في رياض الاطفال واعداد المعلمات المتخصصات لهذه المرحلة كونه لم يسبق ان درس في القسم المختص المستهدف في الدراسة الحالية . تضمن البحث اربعة فصول كان الفصل الاول يمثل محتوياته مدخلا تعريفيا للبحث من خلال مشكلته واهميته واهدافه وفرضياته وتحديد المصطلحات الخاصة به.</p> <p>ثم جاء الفصل الثاني ليعرض اطارا نظريا تكامليا للبحث تضمن محاور منها مفهوم مهارات التأقلم ومميزاتها , واساليبها, ومكوناتها, وانواعها الخ ثم التوصل الى المحاور حول العدوى الانفعالية ونشأتها ومزاياها وخصائصها وانواعها والعوامل المؤثرة فيها الخ&nbsp; ثم تم استعراض مؤشرات الاطار النظري وبعدها استعرضت الباحثة مجموعة من الدراسات السابقة العربية والاجنبية ومؤشرات الافادة منها في البحث الحالي . ثم جاء الفصل الثالث ليعرض اجراءات البحث بكل ما يتعلق بالمجتمع والعينة وغير ذلك فقد تألفت عينة البحث من (٤٠٠) طالبة من طالبات قسم رياض الأطفال تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية الطبقية من كلية التربية الأساسية في الجامعة المستنصرية للعام الدراسي (2022 – 2023) , وقد استعملت اداتان الأولى مقياس مهارات التأقلم معتمدة نظرية التفاعل الاجتماعي لباندورا، قامت الباحثة بإعداده، ويتكون من (40) فقرة موزعة على (4) ابعاد وهي (اتخاذ القرار، ادارة الوقت، تقبل الذات، حل المشكلات ) والثانية مقياس العدوى الانفعالية معتمدة نظرية هاتفيلد, وقد قامت الباحثة بأعداده، ويتكون من (40) فقرة موزعة على (6) ابعاد وهي</p> <p>( الغضب، السعادة, الحزن, الخوف, القلق والحب).</p> هديل غالي زعين منصور أ.د. رغد زكي غياض أ.م. اسيل اسماعيل محمد Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 290 312 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11236 The religious reforms of Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltout, addressed to the Society for Rapprochement between Islamic Schools of thought (1963-1958), a historical study <p>&nbsp;The subject of rapprochement between religious sects is one of the most important topics and studies that many researchers turn away from. Shedding light on this subject and the role of close associates, especially Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltut, who had a prominent role in this field, is very important in order to achieve and strengthen ties between sects.&nbsp; Islam by understanding the differences contained therein and removing their negative effects and not removing the root of the difference in order to get rid of the mutual enmity between the Islamic sects and bring the points of view closer.&nbsp; Achieving the lofty goal.</p> Omaima Mahmoud Jassim Fadel Jassim Mansour Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 313 333 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11237 Analysis of the morphometric characteristics of the Al-Shakrah valley Basin in the Western Plateau - Anbar Province <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Al-Shukrah valley basin is one of the dry water basins that flow into the Euphrates River. The valley is located in the western plateau within the administrative borders of the Anbar Governorate and on the outskirts of the city of Al-Qaim. It occupies an area of ​​(205) km 2 and a length of 81 km. The study also relied on the analysis of quantitative morphometric characteristics (spatial, morphological, topography, and water drainage network) on data taken from topographical maps, satellite visuals, aerial images, and digital elevation data (DEM), From which it is concluded that the shape of the basin is far from the regular circular shape and its approach to the rectangular and triangular shape. This is due to the hard rock formations in the study area, represented by limestone rock. Either the results of the hyposometric integration, they were low and ranged between (0.22 and 1.10), &nbsp;that &nbsp;are indicating the valley basin is in the aging stage.</p> Aya Mudher Ghayeb Al-Dulaimi Asst. Prof. Dr. Khalid Sabbar Mohammed Al Shujairy Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 343 357 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11238 Multiple functional meanings of prepositions Between ancient and late grammarians <p>In the study of prepositions, the subject of prepositions emerges as one of the most important topics that need research and contemplation, as it is one of the most important links in the Arabic sentence, and many meanings are associated with it that complete the meaning of the sentence through specification and clarification&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The aim of this is to explain the multiplicity of meanings of prepositions that many grammarians, ancient and modern, have proven in the texts of their books, and among those who restricted those meanings and gave each letter an original meaning to which what appeared to be contrary to it is attributed through interpretation, and among those who saw the multiplicity of meanings in the original and sought to investigate them.&nbsp; And analyze it.&nbsp; For all of this, the research title was chosen as (The multiplicity of functional meanings of prepositions between ancient and late&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The nature of this research required that it include a preface, followed by two chapters, then a conclusion, and it was supported by sources and references.&nbsp; As for the introduction, it discussed (the concept of pluralism and functional meaning), and the first section studied (the multiplicity of meanings of prepositions between those who prohibit and permit), and the second section examined (applications to the multiplicity of functional meanings of prepositions&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Ali Abdullah Al-Anbaki Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 358 380 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11240 The problematic character in the Iraqi novel narrative My novels The Great Dream and The Death of the Father by Ahmed Khalaf are an example <p>The term problematic hero is a definitional model for the anxious fictional character who is ideologically and psychologically unstable, who is often the product of the known conflict caused by his society, or who is experiencing a stage of controlling the sovereignty of this society. From Lukács’ point of view, this hero is neither negative nor positive at all. He is a hero who lives in a struggle between the world of the self and reality, and refuses to be in conflict with reality, as the hero has authentic values ​​that he fails to establish in a world, and he lives in a stage of intellectual and moral decadence, dominated by market concepts and values. ,</p> <p>Main vocabulary: the Iraqi novel, Ahmed Khalaf, the novel The Great Dream, the novel (Death of the Father).</p> Haider Amer Tohme Dr.Sadiq Al-Boughbish Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 381 412 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11246 Coordination of the Revolutionary Courts in the Islamic Republic of Iran until 1981 AD <p>The Revolutionary Courts continued to play an important role in consolidating and preserving the foundations of the Iranian regime by pursuing a policy of political and ideological exclusion, trial, repression, and elimination of all those who oppose the regime intellectually, politically, and ideologically, in order to preserve the revolution and its gains. These courts have claimed the lives of tens of thousands of opponents and political opponents on charges of War, domestic corruption, and the threat to national security. Given the challenges and risks that the Iranian regime has recently begun to face, it seems that these courts will continue to function, and they will continue to do so as long as the regime exists, and that regime officials will not respond to criticism. And international calls to dismantle it... pressure, as these regimes have proven to be suitable tools to effectively silence dissenting voices. Either through imprisonment or threats, or fleeing out of Iran for fear of prosecution. Abolishing these courts or limiting their role in the near future remains unlikely, especially in light of popular discontent and protests in cities across Iran. Many times, this went beyond the need to improve the economy and living conditions to the rejection of the entire system and the condemnation of its leaders.</p> خنساء كاظم جهاد أ.م.د نوال كشيش محمد Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 413 429 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11247 Mental flexibility among kindergarten teachers <p>The research aims to identify:</p> <p>1- Mental flexibility among kindergarten teachers.</p> <p>2- Mental flexibility among married and unmarried kindergarten teachers.</p> <p>3- Mental flexibility among kindergarten teachers according to years of service.</p> Zeena Kazem Nasser Lina Aqeel Khaddad Aseel Ismail Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 430 444 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11248 The art of making clothing fabric in ancient Iraq (Linen and cotton) as an example <p>Much of the evidence that has been uncovered in all parts of the earth indicates that for a long time, man lived by gathering and hunting, and this confirms that the animals he hunted used their skin, fur, or wool as a cover to protect him from the cold of winter, in addition to using clothing for his body to protect him from the elements. Different nature.</p> <p>&nbsp; Before he knew about agriculture and domesticating animals, man was dependent on nature, which provided him with food. He had hardly learned agriculture and was guided to domesticate animals until the wheel of development turned and began to spread to all aspects of life, as the first agricultural societies appeared and the political, economic, and industrial developments that followed them laid the foundation stone for the emergence of civilized society. The stable.</p> <p>Civilized society has relied on its energies to provide its food and clothing, and has conveyed its experience to us in various artistic ways, the effects of which remain immortal to the present day. Cultural and artistic wealth has been transferred from generation to generation by linking the present with the past. Moreover, it is possible for the viewer to receive much of what the richness of civilization offers and whoever does not. He does not understand the civil development that was built on foundations whose components were planning, architecture, and human history, including art, literature, and poetry, including “belief, knowledge, values, and law, as well as” any ability or habit that a person acquires in his society, expressed in material achievements and what they symbolize, distributed over Population settlements represented by cities, which constitute a “common” product between them, are distinguished from one another by their characteristics and heritage from others.</p> <p>From here came this study of man’s knowledge of the art of making raw materials for clothing, which come from plants (linen and cotton). Being plant materials, they were not ready-made as in leather and fur. Rather, working on them required “ardent thought,” “artistic” work, and skilled hands for the complete formation, and she gave us some texts. The studied cuneiforms are artistic images expressing the lives of the people in ancient Iraq, their ways of living, their professions, and their interests. The art of making raw materials for clothing is considered a “wide” art and has taken up a “large” space due to its importance in the life of society and its religious, social, and cultural connotations.</p> M. Dr. Suhaila Kazem Madloul Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 445 458 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11249 Jawther Al-Saqlabi was influential in the Fatimid state in the Maghreb <p>Biographies and biographies are among the important historical sources that conveyed to us accurate information about personalities who had a great influence on the course of Islamic history, including the book The Biography of Professor Jawther by Abu Ali Al-Jawthari, which is one of the biographical books that conveyed accurate details about an important and influential figure in the history of the Fatimid state, and this influence is conveyed by him. Through sincerity and dedication to the service of the Fatimid imams in the ideological and administrative aspects, his loyalty to them was rare to the point that they considered him one of them despite his foreignness and slavery, but he obtained the rank of minister in the East and was closer to it because of his efforts in building the Fatimid state in Morocco. This book did not only narrate to us the biography of Jawdhar, but it presented a detailed historical account of the march of the Fatimid state in Morocco in its military aspect and provided details that were not provided to us by the historians of this state. It is a gratitude to Jawdhar on the part of the author of the book, Abu Ali Al-Mansouri Al-Jawthari, who would not have been known without his book.</p> Dr. Haidar Shamkhi Jaber Asadi Dr. Ghassan Hadi Zaghir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 459 480 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11251 Spatial Modeling of floods in the Wadi Zabid Basin – Yemen <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study aims to build a spatial model to identify the areas vulnerable to flooding in the Wadi Zabid Basin, to mitigate the severity of the floods by minimizing the damage to lives, property, and infrastructure, by determining the extent of their vulnerability. To achieve its objectives, the study relied on geomatics techniques. represented by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to perform spatial analyses, by using the Analytical Hierarchical Process and Spatial Modeling and the method of multicriteria decision support systems with the method of weighted Overlay, based on 13 natural and human factors or criteria, and the consistency ratio was (CR = 0.06), which is an acceptable ratio indicating the consistency of the weights used in the analysis. The areas exposed to floods were classified into three levels. The areas highly affected and exposed to floods are concentrated in areas close to the mainstream of the basin, at the bottoms of valleys, areas close to the water network, and areas occupied by urbanization, agricultural lands, and floodplains. These areas are characterized by light slopes and low elevations. The study recommended the importance of developing the necessary procedures, through effective control of planning in, improving warning, evacuation planning, and forecasting of floods through satellites and modern technologies in geomatics.</p> Belqees Mabkhoot Nasser Salah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 481 504 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11253 Natural characteristics of Hor Al-Musandak <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the study area is part of the sedimentary plain that was formed as a result of the receding of the watersof the Arabian Gulf as aresult of the accumulation of silt coming with Euphrates rivers and the valleys that descend form the Iraq _iran borders ,som of these formations are&nbsp; covered lnconsistently with quaternary sediments,asfor the climate ,of the study area, it ischaracterized by being cold and rainy in winter and along and dry&nbsp; summer with tow transitional season spring and autumn.</p> Nawal Kamel Alwan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 505 525 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11254 The color image in Khaled Al-Kateb’s poetry <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The poetic image represents one of the basic components in the production of literary work, but its use differs from one poet to another, and with the change in the system of the Arabic poem and its lexicon, it also had to change in its nature and components of its composition. “The image in poetry is the (artistic form) that words and expressions take after For the poet to organize it in a special graphic context to express an aspect of the complete poetic experience in the poem.” Words and phrases are the first material that the poet relies on in building his poetic images and formulating their artistic form.</p> Assistant Teacher. Nibras Kazem Ibrahim Kazem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 526 539 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11255 Tracking the aspects of the semantic development of the foreign Arabic And colloquialism in the poetry of later eras (objective study) <p>The idea of (the semantic development of foreign and colloquial Arabic) preoccupied the poets of recent times a lot, because it is one of the most important linguistic issues in terms of meaning, form, and style. The research dealt with this development because of its importance in poetry as a result of the crises and circumstances that the country went through, and these circumstances led to mixing with various Dialects resulted in the creation of many Arabized, foreign and colloquial words as well, whether in terms of pronunciation or subject matter.</p> Ibtihaj Jassim Mohammed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 540 559 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11256 Female Malady: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Woman’s Madness in Shirley Jackson’s “The Daemon Lover” and “The Tooth <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This paper presents a psychoanalytic exploration of woman's madness in selected short stories of Shirley Jackson. Through the analytical lens of Elaine Showalter's concept of the "female malady," this study delves into the intricate layers of psychological complexity experienced by the female protagonists in two selected short stories "The Daemon Lover," which reveals the protagonist’s obsession with her lover, and "The Tooth," which explores the interplay of anxiety, feminine identity, and societal pressure. The study is qualitative one, it is going to answer whether female’s madness is an inherited treat in women’s mentality or it is acquired due to the social pressures imposed upon women. A psychological theory is applied to demonstrate how seemingly mundane events can evoke profound psychological turmoil. This analysis uncovers the ways in which patriarchal system, individual psychology, and societal norms. The characters' experiences are dissected through the lens of suppressed desires, societal expectations, and the negotiation of identity within restrictive contexts.&nbsp;</p> Asst. Inst. Rua’a Ali Mahmood, Asst. Inst. Mohammed Saad Qasim, Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 1 14 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11258 أثر استراتيجية باير في اكساب مهارات التصميم الطباعي لطلبة معهد الفنون الجميلة بمادة فن الاعلان <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The current research aims to provide the graphic design skills for the students of the Institute of Fine Arts - Diyala in the subject of advertisement art, where the research problem was identified with weakness among the students. A research designed by her that created her honesty and stability, and after teaching according to the Bayer strategy, she used the appropriate statistical methods and concluded that there is a great effect of teaching according to the strategy in increasing student achievement, and accordingly the researcher organized her scientific material in this modest study by formulating the research problem and its importance.</p> <p>The current research aims to identify the impact of the Bayer strategy on the achievement of the students of the Institute of Fine Arts in the subject of advertising art.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The first chapter represents (the general framework of the research) and organizes the research problem and the importance and limits of the research, represented by the students of the Institute of Fine Arts, fourth grade, who study the art of advertising and define the terms contained in the title of the research. As for the second chapter, it includes the theoretical framework, representing the constructivist theory, skill, Bayer strategy, graphic design, advertising, and previous studies and their discussion. The third chapter includes a presentation of the research methodology and procedures. Where the researcher adopted the appropriate experimental design, defining the research community, selecting the sample and its homogeneity, equivalence procedures between the experimental and control research groups, adjusting the variables and building the research.</p> حنان شاكر محمود أ .د أسماعيل خليل القيسي أ .م.د. أخلاص عبد القادر Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 1 19 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11277 The effect of the active learning strategy in imparting the concepts of Arabic calligraphy and decoration to students of the Department of Art Education <p>The subject of Arabic calligraphy and Islamic ornamentation is one of the basic and important materials in the educational and educational process, which is related to the life of the student because it is a key factor in the development of the theoretical and skillful side, so the subject of Arabic calligraphy needs attention, especially through the use of modern teaching strategies that help students&nbsp; Concepts of Arabic calligraphy and decoration, and through the researcher teaching this subject in the College of Basic Education - Department of Art Education The researcher sought the existence of a weakness in the cognitive theoretical information, for which he conducted this scientific research through which he intends to find a solution to the problem.</p> <p>&nbsp;Research objective: To identify the impact of the active learning strategy on acquiring the concepts of Arabic calligraphy and decoration for students of the Department of Art Education.</p> <p>&nbsp;In order to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher used the experimental design in the experimental and control groups with a post-test for the concepts of Arabic calligraphy and ornamentation, on a sample of the students of the College of Basic Education, who numbered (84) distributed in two halls, one of which represented the experimental and the other represented the control.&nbsp; using the spss program.</p> <p>&nbsp;The most important search results showed:</p> <p>&nbsp;1- The superiority of the experimental group that studied according to the strategy over the control group, and this indicates the impact of the strategy on acquiring concepts among the sample.</p> <p>&nbsp;2- The adoption of teaching according to the strategy makes the teacher diversify the activities and methods of teaching in the educational situation.</p> <p>&nbsp;The search was recommended by Platy:</p> <p>&nbsp;1- The need to use active learning strategies in teaching and not be limited to the traditional method.</p> <p>&nbsp;2- The necessity of paying attention to the concepts of Arabic calligraphy and ornamentation, and linking them to the skill aspect, because they add activity and vitality to the lesson and motivate students to search for information.</p> <p>&nbsp;Suggestions:</p> <p>&nbsp;1- Applying active learning strategies in developing the skill side of Arabic calligraphy and decoration.</p> <p>&nbsp;2- The use of active learning strategies in other study materials and stages.</p> Dr. Atiya Waza Abboud Al-Dulaimi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 20 35 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11286 Requirements for educational transformation to teach art education courses in light of the knowledge economy <p>The current research aims to:</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Disclosure of the requirements of the educational transformation of teaching art education courses towards the knowledge economy, at the College of Basic Education - Al-Mustansiriya University, for the academic year 2020-2021, and the researcher adopted the descriptive approach in building a standards form that includes the requirements of educational transformation in the light of the knowledge economy, which can be employed for the purpose of teaching art education courses, and for this purpose, the researcher followed the following steps in preparing them:</p> <ol> <li>Access to educational literature and its relationship to the knowledge economy.</li> <li>The researcher relied on the division of domains.</li> </ol> أ.م محسن سالم محمد Prof. Dr .Sanaa Abdul jalil Alsharif Helmi Muhammad Al-Fil Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 36 49 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11287 The mechanics of montage plotting in the theatrical text(Macbeth) William Shakespeare is a model <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research seeks to identify and reveal the mechanisms of montage plotting in the theatrical text (Macbeth) by William Shakespeare as a model. The theatrical text remained the mainstay of theatrical activity and the basis of its presentation, and its writers and critics, over a century and a half, were its creators and developers of building drama in the text and presentation. However, the text He preceded in his development of a discourse for a presentation, which is what drama can give to a person in that it enables him to recreate emotional states through imagination. The importance of drama exceeds almost anything else in our contemporary world, as it is present in all symbolic formations that humans produce, whether it is written literature, theater, or television drama. All of these formations need an aesthetically controlled narrative language through art in general, and through the above, the research identified the following question: What are the mechanisms of montage plotting in the theatrical text / William Shakespeare’s Macbeth as a model for study and analysis. The aesthetic context in the arrangement of actions, events, and scenes is the montage plot in the theatrical text, which is the most prominent concept in the plotting mechanisms in texts, based on violating the principle of dialogical cooperation with images&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Assistant Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Zahra Mohamed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 50 68 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11288 The effectiveness of the learning stations strategy in acquiring the second intermediate grade students of mathematical concepts <p>&nbsp; The aim of the research is to find out (the effectiveness of the learning stations strategy in the acquisition of mathematical concepts by the second intermediate grade female students). A female student, the learning stations strategy was applied to the two research groups (experimental and control). Teaching plans were developed for both groups. A test was built in acquiring mathematical concepts according to Badawi classification (concept definition, concept recognition, concept application) consisting of (45) items. It was presented to a group of experts and specialists in the methods of teaching mathematics, and after applying the test to the two groups, it showed Results There is a statistically significant difference between the two groups and in favor of the experimental group. The research concluded that the learning stations strategy has an important role in the students’ acquisition of mathematical concepts. It recommends the use of this strategy in secondary schools. The research also suggested conducting a similar study on other dependent variables such as multiple intelligences, thinking of all kinds, and problem-solving skills.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Asst. Inst: Mona Kazem Abbas أ. د. عباس ناجي عبد الامير Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 69 81 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11289 Methods of leadership behavior in terms of organizational commitment from the point of view of supervisors in some directorates of education in Iraq <p>The current research aimed to identify the methods of leadership behavior and organizational commitment from the point of view of supervisors in some directorates of education in Iraq, and the research areas consisted of supervisors in some directorates of Iraqi education.</p> <p>At the headquarters of the directorates of education in Iraq, and the most prominent conclusions were the validity of the measures of leadership behavior methods and organizational commitment that the two researchers prepared in measuring the methods of leadership behavior and organizational commitment. Physical education teachers in some directorates of education in Iraq enjoyed a good amount of (leadership behavior, organizational commitment) There is a positive correlation between leadership behavior styles and organizational commitment from the point of view of supervisors in some education directorates in Baghdad, and the most prominent recommendations Taking advantage of the measures of leadership behavior methods and organizational commitment that the two researchers prepared in measuring the methods of leadership behavior and organizational commitment, generalizing the results of the current study to physical education teachers in Iraq, emphasizing the care of the elements of the administrative process and making them among the priorities of administrative work, as it is the pillar of success in the directorates of sports activity, Emphasizing the dimensions of leadership behavior methods because of their importance in shaping the sound qualities of physical education teachers that fit the prevailing values ​​in the sports comWorking to establish emotional commitment because it is based on the degree of the individual’s attachment to the school through feelings and work relationships, and the normative commitment in which the individual is linked through the school’s mission and goals, which leads to an increase in organizational commitment, as well as introducing administrators to their rights and obligations towards the school.munity</p> Mainaa Talib mohsen Prof. Dr. Rana Turki Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 82 105 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11295 Leadership by faith in the supervisor of competence from the point of view of physical education teachers in the directorates of Baghdad education <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study aimed to build a measure of leadership by faith for the supervisor of the specialty from the point of view of physical education teachers, and the researcher used the descriptive approach in the survey method to suit the nature of the research.</p> <p>Determining the research community by the intentional method represented by the physical education teachers in the six directorates of Baghdad education, whose number is (2642), while The research was extracted according to a scientific statistical method, amounting to (336), and it was divided into an exploratory sample of (36), a construction sample (100), and an application sample (200) male and female teachers. Data was extracted and processed, and the results were displayed and analyzed using the statistical bag (Spss). The most important conclusions reached by the research was that the measure of leadership by faith was built for the supervisors of the specialty from the point of view of teachers of physical education.</p> Abdul Rahman Khaled Ass.Prof .Dr. Rana Turki Naji Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 106 126 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11296 The impact of the Pentagram strategy on the collection of design techniques Art education students <p>The research aims to identify: the effect of the Pentagram strategy on the collection of design techniques for students of the Department of Art Education, and to verify this, the following hypothesis was formulated:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the experimental group, which are taught according to the Pentagram strategy, and the mean scores of the students of the control group, which are taught according to the usual method, in the achievement test of Design Techniques The research community was determined by the students of the third stage / Department of Art Education - Morning Study / College of Basic Education at Al-Mustansiriya University. The researcher selected the study material that will be taught during the duration of the experiment, which is six topics from the Design Techniques subject, formulated (60) behavioral goals, and prepared daily plans for teaching the two research groups. The researcher prepared a test My cognitive achievement consisted of (35) test items and the design of a questionnaire to evaluate the skillful performance, and the researcher made sure of its validity and stability. After analyzing the results statistically, the researcher concluded that the experimental group that studied the subject of design techniques using the Pentagram strategy in the cognitive and skill posttest outperformed the control group that studied the same subject on According to.</p> Aqeel Hussein Ali Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sabih Mahmoud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 127 141 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11297 The effect of Bransford & Stein's model on lateral thinking of second intermediate grade female students in mathematics <p>The objective of the current research is to identify Bransford &amp; Stein's model in mathematics.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; A sister sample The research sample was intentional and was represented by the students of the second intermediate grade in the Dijla Secondary School for Girls, affiliated to the General Directorate of Kurdish Education. The school contains four divisions for the second intermediate grade, which are (A, B, C, D(Two divisions were chosen randomly, as division (A) was chosen to represent the experimental group that will be taught using (Bransford &amp; Stein's) model with (30) female students, and division (C) to represent the control group that will be taught in the usual way with (30) female students, After excluding the (3) female students from the two groups, the number of female students in the sample became (60) female students, with (30) female students in the experimental group and (30) female students in the control group. previous mathematics achievement, and chronological age) The experiment was conducted in the first semester of the academic year (2022-2023), and the researcher adopted the experimental approach. The lateral thinking test was prepared as a research tool. The lateral thinking test was prepared, as it consisted of (25) items, including (13) objective items and (12) items. For an essay paragraph, the researcher calculated the stability of the test and its skills using the (Cronbach's alpha) equation, which is suitable for the objective paragraphs. for two independent samples and a test</p> <p>(Levenes' test(The results showed that there are statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the lateral thinking test in favor of the experimental group. Applying lateral thinking skills and integrating them into the educational process intensively because they are directly reflected in their learning in the scientific subject, in addition to applying them in reality. She suggested conducting a comparison study between Bransford &amp; Stein's model and other models, to show which is more effective in lateral thinking skills.</p> Farah Adnan Ibrahim Prof. Dr. Abbas Naji Abdul Ameer Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 142 156 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11301 Effect of vitamin D supplementation on the methylation status of the SLC30A10 gene on colon cancer cell lines <p>Background: Overall, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the second most lethal after breast and lung cancer. The association of cancers with expression of the Brexit gene is not covered. Methylation is a subtype of epigenetics and can therefore be altered by methyl receptors or donor drugs. According to recent studies, the SLC30A10 gene is hyper methylated in colorectal cancer and shows decreased expression. On the other hand, many studies have been conducted on the epigenetic effect of vitamin D on various genes responsible for various diseases and cancers. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to study the epigenetic effect of this substance in colorectal cancer cell lines SW48 and HT29 on the methylation of this gene.</p> <p>Method: First, the amount of vitamin D was in the range of 0 to 250 mg of vitamin D after 24 hours and the IC50 was calculated to be 95 mg/ml. Cells were treated with DMEM and RPMI medium for 24 h at 37°C, 5% CO supplemented with 25 mg/ml vitamin D. After DNA extraction and quality and quantity tests, the samples were bisulfate. Finally, the methylation status of the samples was assessed using specific primers and real-time PCR.</p> <p>Results: The results showed that a dose of 95 mg of vitamin D on HT29 cells at a significant level (P value &lt; 0.05) reduces methylation of the SLC30A10 gene.</p> <p>Conclusion: It is hoped that this finding will shed light on a new treatment for colon cancer. However, the introduction of vitamin D as an effective pharmacological supplement for CRC requires further studies. It is recommended to study the epigenetic effects of vitamin D on other key genes in colon cancer such as APC, TP53, KRAS, NRAS, BRAF in different cell lines</p> سيف رضا غانم أ.د. محمد امين كراجيان Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 157 172 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11302 Green construction of bio-synthesized silver nanoparticles from cardamom seeds, evaluation of their biological performance, and detection of active aggregates <p>One of the methods of green synthesis is the development of biological processes and methods for creating nanoparticles, which is an important development in the use of nanotechnology. This research aims to use the cardamom plant Elettaria Cardamomum to synthesize silver nanoparticles, which is a very safe, green, environmentally friendly and cheap method in most provinces of Iran and available in the market. ) and added to it at a temperature of (70⁰), and it was filtered with filter paper and centrifuged, and the reaction process was carried out with a solution of silver nitrate with different concentrations (1-2-3) moles and with a weight of (0.0162). - 0.0324 - 0.0486) dissolved in (100) ml of deionized water to prepare a silver nitrate solution and slowly added to the aqueous extract of the prepared plant (15-10-5 ml). Gradually at room temperature and over 48 hours on a magnetic rotor, it was determined that the synthesis process changed the color of the extract combined with the silver nitrate solution from yellow to dark brown, and then the extract was combined with the silver nitrate and the solution. It was washed with distilled water and each time it was placed in a centrifuge at 8000 rpm for 10 minutes each time to obtain silver nanoparticles. The active components of the cardamom plant were identified and it was found that it contains a group of flavonoids, a group of phenols, a group of alkaloids, resins, tannins, steroids, a saponin group, and also a group of fats..</p> ياسر محمود ياسر الجوراني أ.د. سجاد صداقت Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 173 187 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11303 The leadership competencies of the heads of the national Olympic sports federations from the point of view of their members <p>The current research aims:</p> <p>- Building a measure of the leadership competencies of the heads of the Olympic national sports federations from the point of view of its members.</p> <p>- Identifying the level of leadership competencies of the heads of the Olympic national sports federations from the point of view of its members.</p> <p>The researchers used the descriptive approach due to its suitability to the nature of the current research, and the research sample included members of the Olympic national sports federations, and the researcher used the questionnaire as a tool for data collection, and the researchers used the spss 25 statistical bag to analyze the data statistically and reached a set of conclusions, including:</p> <p>- The researcher reached to build a scale of leadership competencies prepared by the researcher, suitable for measuring the level of heads of the Iraqi Olympic federations in the variables of leadership competencies according to (5) axes distributed over them (48) paragraphs.</p> <p>- The heads of the Iraqi Olympic federations have a (good) level in the merit of planning from the point of view of the federation members according to the response levels of the research sample, and this axis comes in the first place among the other axes of the scale.</p> ساهر إسماعيل مدب Prof. Dr. Salam Hantoush Rashid (1) Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 188 213 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11304 The effect of differentiated learning strategy on learning some types of handball scoring <p>The differentiated learning strategy is one of the strategies that center around the learner and takes into account the learner's experiences and takes into account the individual differences among the learners. The importance of the research is represented in the use of the differentiated learning strategy as it is a response to the learners' abilities. The use of differentiated learning in learning some types of handball scoring in addition to the goals and hypotheses. The second chapter includes the methodology and the research sample, and it was represented by the students of the Department of Physical Education in the College of Basic Education In addition to the research tests, the pre-tests, the implementation of the educational curriculum, the post-tests, and the research statistics. The third chapter included the results of the research, where one of the most important results was the superiority of the experimental group over the control group. The fourth chapter included the most important conclusions and recommendations. One of the most important recommendations is the need to use differentiated learning in learning some Types of handball scoring</p> Asmaa Aziz Falih Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 214 226 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11305 Employing virtual lighting in television Drama <p>&nbsp; This research deals with the element of lighting manufactured inside the computer in a dramatic, aesthetic and semantic way within the space of the scene, as well as how this type of lighting suits all types of requirements of the viewer, i.e. the photographer and the manufacturer, within the computer software and harmonizes with each other to form one harmonious and homogeneous scene when presented to the viewer, despite the fact that Virtual lighting has the ability to move with the movement of the scene and the movement of the camera, and therefore in this case it is necessary to draw appropriate shadows for it in all parts of the scene to give it a realistic character. The researcher began the research with the research problem, which ended by asking the question (<strong>How does virtual lighting overlap in television work?</strong> And then (<strong>the importance of the research, the goal of the research, the limits of the research, and defining the terminology</strong>). As for the theoretical framework, the researcher divided it into two sections. The title of the first section was (<strong>the concept of virtual lighting</strong>), which contained the concept of lighting. Virtuality and its aesthetic and realistic connotations in the scene. The second topic was (<strong>Methods of using virtual lighting in the scene</strong>). It dealt with the most important methods used in manufacturing virtual lighting tools in the scene, supported by a number of sources. As for the research procedures, which were divided into(<strong>Research method, research population, research sample, research tool, analysis unit</strong>) The researcher analyzed the research sample, which consisted of the international series (<strong>Game of Thrones - production 2019</strong>) directed by (<strong>David Nutter, Miguel Sapoznik, and D. B. Weiss</strong>). The researcher reached the following results:-</p> <ol> <li>Programs for creating virtual characters and environments are linked to virtual lighting drawing programs to infuse them with an element of credibility and realism.</li> <li>Virtual lighting cannot be realistic unless it has shadows that make it a realistic element.</li> <li>The movement of characters manufactured inside the computer must be drawn with a movement of lighting and shadows consistent with the movement.</li> <li>The virtual lighting must be identical to the real lighting distribution, if there are real characters inside it.</li> </ol> <p>Then (<strong>conclusions, proposals, recommendations</strong>) and the researcher concluded the research with the most important sources and a summary in the English language</p> م.د. انور عبد شاطي Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 227 238 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11306 The Effect of the Propeller Cards Strategy in Mental Focus of Intermediate Students Science for First-Year <p>The research aims to determine the effect of the propeller card strategy on the mental focus of first-year intermediate science students. To achieve the goal of the research, the following null hypothesis was developed:</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average scores of the students of the experimental group who are taught according to the steps of the propeller card strategy and the average scores of the students of the control group who are taught according to the usual method of mental focus. To test the validity of the null hypothesis, the researcher applied his experiment and chose the design for it. A quasi-experimental study with partial control for the experimental and control groups with a dimensional measure of mental focus. The research sample was intentionally selected from the first-grade intermediate students of Salim Al-Basri Middle School for Boys, affiliated with the First Rusafa Baghdad Governorate Education Directorate. It amounted to (65) students in (2) two classes. Random selection fell on group (A), consisting of (32) students to represent the control group, and group (B), consisting of (33) students to represent the experimental group. The two groups were rewarded with the following variables (intelligence, chronological age, mental concentration scale). The mental focus scale tool consisted of five dimensions: (the tendency toward mastery, organization, intellectual clarity, attention, and a feeling of comfort when engaging in solving problems). Psychometric properties and reliability were calculated. The data was analyzed and processed statistically using the statistical package (SPSS)At the end of the experimeent ,the researcheer aplied the mental focus scaale tothe students of both groups. Their answers were corected and treated statistically. The results of the research showed that the students of the experimental group were superior to the students of the control group in mental focus. In light of the results that were reached, the researcher drew some conclusions and recommended some recommendations</p> Lecturer . dr. Basim M. Ali AL-Rekabey Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 239 256 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11307 The impact of the (model-Apply- preside- whispe (strategy on the achievement of second intermediate grade students and their preventive awareness <p>This research aims to identify the impact of the(model-Apply- preside- whispe) strategy&nbsp; the achievement of the second intermediate grade students in science and their preventive awareness; The following two zero hypotheses were derived from the objective:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li>There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average achievement scores of the students of the experimental group who will study using the strategy (model-Apply- preside- whispe) and the students of the control group who will study using the usual method of achievement.</li> <li>There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average achievement scores of the students of the experimental group who will study using the strategy (model-Apply- preside- whispe) and the students of the control group who will study using the traditional method in the measure of preventive awareness of their dreams.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The experimental design was chosen with two experimental and control groups with a post-test for achievement and preventive awareness. The research community is represented by female secondary and middle school students for girls in the second province of Baghdad / Rusafa for the academic year (2022 AD - 2023 AD). 64 students were distributed into the two research groups, as the number of students in the experimental group was (32) students, and the number of students in the control group was (32) students.</p> <p>&nbsp; Equivalence was conducted between the female students of the two research groups with the following variables: (chronological age calculated in months, parents’ academic achievement, previous information test, previous science achievement, Raven IQ test) in the first semester of the academic year (2022-2023 AD), as the researcher identified the subject The study that will be studied during the period of the experiment, which amounts to two chapters from the science book for the second intermediate grade, and formulated behavioral goals for the subjects that will be studied, so it was (131) behavioral goals according to Bloom’s levels (remembering, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation).</p> <p>The researcher prepared daily teaching plans for science subjects that will be studied during the experiment, in the light of the content of the textbook and formulated behavioral goals, as they were prepared as follows:</p> <ol> <li>Preparing 16 model daily plans according to the (model-Apply- preside- whispe) strategy for the students of the experimental group.</li> <li>Preparing 16 model daily plans according to the usual method for the students of the control group.</li> </ol> <p>A sample of it was presented to a group of arbitrators to see its validity and suitability for the students of the second intermediate grade, and to achieve the goal of the research, the researcher prepared two research tools, the achievement test: consisting of (35) objective paragraphs with four alternatives, and its apparent validity was extracted by presenting it to a group of arbitrators in Education and teaching methods, science, and also extracted the validity of the content in light of the test’s conformity to the content that was studied. The power of excellence, the difficulty coefficient, and the effectiveness of the wrong alternatives were calculated for each of the test items using the appropriate statistical means, and the stability was extracted using the Qodder Richardson-20 method, and it reached (0.87) And the preventive awareness test: It consists of three domains, which are (the cognitive, emotional, and skill domain), so that the test becomes in the initial format (48) items that include the cognitive and skill domains from (25) test items of the multiple-choice type, and includes the emotional domain from (23) test items of the type The specific answer is (yes, no), and Al-Dhaheri’s sincerity was extracted by presenting it to a group of arbitrators in education and methods of teaching science and psychology, and the discriminatory power and difficulty coefficient were calculated for each paragraph of the scale using appropriate statistical methods, and the stability was extracted by the half-partition method and the stability was extracted Between the two halves, the Pearson correlation coefficient was (0.82), and after correction by the Spearman-Brown equation, it reached (0.90(</p> <p>The researcher applied the two research tools to the main sample after the end of the experiment period, and after analyzing the results statistically using the t-test for two independent samples (for the achievement test, the preventive awareness test). whisper) on the students of the control group who studied in the usual way in the achievement test and preventive awareness.</p> <p>Based on the research results, the researcher concluded the following:</p> <ol> <li>Teaching the second intermediate grade students according to the strategy (model-dish-face-whisper) had a positive impact on raising the achievement of the students of the experimental group who studied according to the strategy (model-dish-face-whisper) compared to the achievement of the students of the control group who studied according to the method. regular.</li> <li>Teaching according to the strategy (model-Apply- preside- whispe) gives equal opportunities to the students through their positive participation in the activities of the lesson, while taking into account individual differences.</li> </ol> <p>Accordingly, the researcher presented a number of recommendations and suggestions that were mentioned in the fourth chapter.</p> Haneen Hussein Ahmed Samaa Ibrahim Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 257 275 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11308 The Effect of The Model S.B.L on The achievement of Fifth Grade Primary school Female in mathematics <p>The research objective To identify the impact of the S.B.L model on the achievement of fifth grade students in mathematics, the semi-experimental approach was adopted to achieve the research goal, and the research sample was deliberately chosen and consisted of (51) female students (after excluding the failing students) from the fifth grade students at the (Hajar Primary School for Girls) of the General Directorate of Diyala Education / Muqdadiya District, for the first semester of the academic year (2022-2023) AD, and the two research groups were rewarded in some variables.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research tool (achievement test) was prepared according to the first three levels (knowledge, comprehension, application) for Bloom's classification of the field of knowledge, as the test consisted of (20) objective items of the type (multiple choice) and its validity and stability were calculated.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; After completing the application of the experiment, the test was applied to the research sample, and after collecting data and processing it statistically using the statistical package SPSS, the results showed a difference in favor of the experimental group students in the achievement test</p> Rafal R. Saad Al-Qaysi Prof.Dr. Faeeza A. A. AL-Razzaq ALChalabi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 276 291 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11310 The effect of the flipped learning strategy by the reciprocal method in developing some soccer skills for second-grade intermediate students <p>The game of football is considered one of the popular games and the number one game in the world because it targets most members of society due to the suspense and excitement it possesses, which prompted scientists and researchers to think in order to raise the level of the game. It is necessary to work on introducing methods that keep pace with technological development, and given the limited time for studying. Not taking into account individual differences between students and not employing information technology in the educational process in the physical education lesson, this is why flipped learning was chosen using the reciprocal method. The study aimed to prepare educational units using the flipped learning strategy from exercises prepared by the researcher by preparing educational video clips and identifying their effect using flipped learning in the reciprocal method in developing some skills for the research sample. Research hypotheses: There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests and in favor of the post-tests that used flipped learning in a reciprocal manner in developing some football skills for the research sample.</p> <p>The research sample was divided into two groups of 30 students from the research community, and the researcher used the SPSS system to extract the results of the pre- and post-tests. The researcher concluded that flipped learning has an effective effect in developing some basic football skills for the research sample. The researcher recommended conducting similar research with more capabilities and on different samples and for different ages.</p> Dr. Omar Lattofi Majid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 292 308 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11311 The effect of the strategy (rediscription) on the achievement of fifth-Class Pupils in science and collective thinking <p>The aim of the current research is to identify "the effect of the strategy (rediscription) on the achievement of fifth-grade female students in science and their collective thinking", through the following one null hypotheses:</p> <p>1- There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who were studied according to the strategy rediscription and the average scores of the control group students who were taught according to the usual method in the achievement test in science.The experimental design with two experimental and control groups, one of which controls the other partially, was chosen from the post-test for achievement and collective thinking, and the current research community is represented by the fifth grade students in the daytime government primary schools of the Al-Muthanna Education Directorate&nbsp; for the academic year (2022-2023), and it was chosen (Al-Yamamah Primary School for Girls) as a model to represent the research sample. It was distributed into two groups, an experimental and a control group, as the number of students in the experimental group was (34) students, and the number of students in the control group was (31) students.The two groups were rewarded in the variables (previous achievement, previous information, chronological age, intelligence, science processes), and the experiment was conducted in the first semester of the academic year (2022-2023).</p> <p>The researcher taught the students of the two groups by herself and identified the scientific material in the third units of the Taxt Book 5th Edition for the year 2021, the behavioral objectives of the cognitive domain were determined within the four levels of Bloom's classification of the cognitive domain. respectively (remembering, comprehending, applying) with a number of about (201) behavioral objectives, the researcher prepared (36) study plans according to the strategy (rediscription) for teaching the students of the experimental group and the same according to the usual method for teaching the students of the control group. A sample of it was presented to a group of arbitrators to see its validity and suitability for fifth-grade students.The researcher these has&nbsp; prepared:</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; First: an achievement test of a multiple-choice type with three alternatives consisting of (30) items, according to Bloom's classification of the cognitive domain, then verify the (virtual) validity of the test by presenting it to a group of arbitrators in the field of methods of teaching science, psychological and educational sciences, measurement and evaluation, and the validity of the content By preparing the test map (the specification table) and calculating stability by the half-partition method using Kewder-Richardson equation 20, the correlation coefficient reached (0.87).The researcher applied the two research tools to the main sample after the end of the experiment period, which lasted (14) weeks, during which the researcher studied the students of the two research groups by herself, and after analyzing the results statistically using the t-test for two independent samples (for the achievement test), the results resulted in superiority The experimental group that studied according to the strategy (rediscription) on the control group that studied in the usual way in the achievement test and, based on the results of the research, the researcher concluded that:. The adoption of the rediscription strategy in teaching contributed to raise the level of academic achievement in science for the fifth grade of primary school.In the light of the results, the researcher concluded that teaching with the strategy rediscription&nbsp; has an impact on the students' achievement in science&nbsp; which was with an(0,87)&nbsp; estimate (high) for the two variables on the straight.</p> <p>Accordingly, the researcher presented a number of recommendations and suggestions</p> Asst.Prof.Dr. Mohammad Khaleel Ibraheem Khadyja Jaber Slaman Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 309 331 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11319 The effect of crossfit training on some anthropometric measurements and handball skills for young people <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Handball is a team sport that requires its players to have special physical and skill abilities and to perform with high efficiency throughout the match. Building training curricula lacks a connection between modern training methods that are in line with the developments taking place in the game of handball, and the researcher’s attempt to break out of the stereotypes followed in The traditional training curriculum and creating variable responses to bring about development in the offensive skills of handball players. The goal of the research is to prepare a training curriculum in the style of CrossFit training, to identify the effect of the training curriculum on some anthropometric measurements and offensive skills in handball, &nbsp;The researcher used the experimental method by designing the experimental and control groups with a pre- and post-test. The research population was chosen intentionally from the players of Al-Nasr Club in Dhi Qar, the youth category, who numbered (20 players), and after excluding the goalkeepers (2), thus the sample became (18 players). Continue In training, the research sample was divided randomly by lottery into two groups, experimental and control, with (9) players for each group. The implementation of the training program began for a period of (12) weeks, with (3) training units per week, and the total number of units was (36), and the researcher concluded that The CrossFit exercises prepared by the researcher had an effective impact in developing physical measurements, which had a clear impact that was reflected in developing the performance and offensive skills of the research sample.</p> Younus Kadhim Goudah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 332 344 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11320 The effect of the (think-pair-share) strategy in developing innovative thinking among students of the Art Education Department in pottery. <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The current study aimed to identify the effect of the strategy (think - pair - share) in developing innovative thinking among students of the Department of Art Education in pottery. Pair - Share) and the second dealt with pottery and innovative thinking. The researcher followed the experimental approach in his procedures for two groups (experimental - control), and the research community consisted of students from the Department of Art Education - College of Basic Education - Al-Mustansiriya University / the second stage, and their number is (260) students. To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher determined the pottery material and built an achievement test according to it to measure the achievement of the students of the two research groups (experimental and control), which was characterized by honesty and stability, and the result came in favor of the experimental group. The result was in favor of the experimental group&nbsp; .</p> Heba Raad Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 345 367 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11321 The digital image and the act of excitement in graphic design <p>The aesthetics achieved through excitement are linked to one of the important foundations in designing and producing the digital image to achieve multiple features that enhance the desires of the recipient. The element of excitement occupies an important place in the design of modern advertisements through the developments taking place in the modern world using computer technologies and the Internet. It is considered an important and main element that affects the recipient. The effect on advertising spaces and blocks may be distinct from others. Modern technology has added other important possibilities, such as illusion and three-dimensionality in designing and producing a digital image. After designing an image that was predominantly static, it has become due to digital technology that possesses multimedia properties in achieving aesthetic aspects in arousing the recipient through the use of the digital image. Including this. The current research emerged from the research problem through several questions, including the following: What are digital image processors and their effectiveness in achieving excitement and suspense?</p> <p>The importance of the current research was to organize the topic of digital image design and its relationship to excitement and suspense, and the role of globalization and modernity in influencing digital images and their repercussions on designers, those interested and specialists in this broad field, as well as benefiting from the capabilities related to the characteristics and their effectiveness among scholars and researchers in the field of modern digital design. . The current research aims to reveal the effectiveness of the digital image and the extent of its effectiveness in the recipient. The current research includes two sections, the first on the digital image in graphic design, and the second section on the effectiveness of the image and its impact on the recipient. In her research procedures, the researcher followed the descriptive approach to analyze the sample models represented by international advertisements that are compatible with the research path. Then she presented the conclusions of her research, the most important of which are: The digital image affects the recipient according to the intention of the designer and the purpose of the advertisement. The excitement is achieved through the designed exaggeration in the production of the digital image. The excitement in the digital image is linked to references. The recipient and the extent of his interaction with it.</p> <p>​</p> Shatha Karim Farhan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 368 385 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11322 The effect of the Duit model on the critical thinking skills of primary school students in mathematics <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The current research aims to identify the effect of the Duit model on the critical thinking skills of primary school students in mathematics. To achieve the research goal, the researcher followed the experimental method and developed the null hypothesis, which states (there is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who will study mathematics according to the (Duit) model and the average scores of the control group students who will study the same subject according to the (traditional method) in testing critical thinking skills. The research sample included (60) A student from the fifth primary school in (Al-Duaa School for Boys) affiliated with the General Directorate of Education of Baghdad/Al-Rusafa Second for the academic year (2022-2023), where the experimental group was taught using the (Duit) model and their number was (30) students, while the control group was taught using the method The number of students in the regular school was (30), where the two research groups were rewarded with the variables (chronological age in months, intelligence test, previous knowledge, and previous achievement in mathematics), and the research tool was prepared, which is a critical thinking skills test consisting of (25) items from Multiple choice type with four alternatives, and the results concluded that there is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) in the critical thinking of students in the two research groups (experimental and control), and thus the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the researcher left With several recommendations and proposals, the most important of which is the inclusion in mathematics curricula of constructivist education models, including the (Duit) model because of its importance in expanding students’ understandings and motivating them to learn, and it was suggested to use the (Duit) model with other variables such as achievement and logical and mathematical thinking.. .etc</strong></p> Jalal Rahim Hammoud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 386 410 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11323 Employing the aesthetics of Arabic letters in the artistic structure of commercial advertising <p>search Arabic characters and aesthetics in the commercial as a variable component of Arabic characters in appearance, shape, color and direction, and the semantics of those variables in form or design or configure the printed Declaration.</p> <p>The search included four chapters, the first chapter (methodological framework), the problem of searching and raised the following question: is it possible to recruit Arabic letters in technical architecture aesthetics for commercial? Then the importance of research, research objectives and limits the search and then select the most important terms and concepts. Chapter II (previous studies theoretical framework) was divided into two sections was the first researcher to study specialized beauty general concept of beauty in calligraphy, aesthetic uses of calligraphy in Arabic script, character uses in modern commercial advertising and finally structures The Biblical line, second topic which is devoted to study design systems used in the commercial and aesthetic underpinnings of the Declaration, the researcher out of a set of indicators arising from the conceptual framework adopted as tools to analyze a sample search 0 being worth mentioning&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Asmaa Abbas Lafta Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 411 428 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11324 A proposed model based on the knowledge economy for teaching art education courses <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The current research aims to:</p> <p>A proposed model based on the knowledge economy for teaching art education courses at the College of Basic Education - Al-Mustansiriya University, for the academic year 2020-2021, and the researcher adopted the descriptive approach to build the steps of the model, as it included nine stages that include vision, mission, identifying the needs of learners, determining the educational environment, choosing educational material, choosing strategies, teaching methods and methods, determining educational activities, determining the method of evaluation, and development.</p> <p>The results of the research showed the following:</p> <ul> <li>Experts agreed on the apparent honesty of the models and their suitability to the nature of e-art education courses and the extent to which they achieve the principle of educational transformation towards a knowledge economy.</li> <li>Experts pointed out that the models are specialized in art education, as well as separating the theoretical and practical aspects.</li> <li>The general model included the educational design elements represented in (inputs - processes – outputs).</li> </ul> Assistant Professor Mohsen Salem Mohammed Prof. Dr. Sanaa Abdel-Jalil Al-Sharif Assistant Professor Dr. Helmy Muhammad Al-Feel Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 429 442 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11325 Determination of Activity Concentrations and Internal Dose Assessments in Urine from Workers in Iraqi Nuclear Research Center, Iraq <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To detect tritium levels in the human body, tritium in the urine must be measured. The investigation of the level of tritium activity in the urine of workers of the Iraqi Nuclear Research Center (INRC) has been realized in order to assess vocational exposure levels. Three worker groups in INRCs were chosen, involved in the Central Laboratories Directorate (CLD), the Decommissioning Directorate (DD), and the Radioactive Waste Treatment and Radioactive Waste Store Directorate (WTWSD), among others in Al-Tuwiatha site, in addition to the control group, as the research targets. Tritium concentration was determined in urine samples from 52 workers (aged 32-61) and 13 control people (aged 30-58). 65 urine samples of 50 mL were collected and analyzed. The Eichrom's Tritium Column way was used to handle the samples of urine, and the distillate tritium activity concentration was then assessed using Liquid Scintillation Counter. The effective and annual effective doses were estimated for the internal doses. The accuracy of urine sample measurements had been tested. The highest level of&nbsp; tritium activity samples of urine from three groups of workers in INRCs is 65.401 Bq/L, and for control group is 39.300 Bq/L, activity of tritium concentrations estimated by using counting scintillation of liquid (LSC) were found to be lower than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) of 1.95 Bq/L. The effective and annual effective dose from tritium was also assessed depend on results measured previously and standard&nbsp; values adapted by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The effective highest doses for workers groups and control group were 497.048 ×10<sup>-3</sup> and 298.680×10<sup>-3</sup> nSv respectively. Highest annual effective dose 5757.773×10<sup>-3</sup> and 5167.042×10<sup>-3 </sup>nSv respectively. These results were lowest than the allowed effective dose for the workers.</p> Firdows Sami Hussein Muhannad Alrakabi Abdulsahib Kadhim Ali Iman Tarik Al-Alawy Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 14 28 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11332 Developing and valuation for Techniques Fingerprint Recognition System <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The distinctive patterns observed on human fingertips are a result of the combination of ridges and troughs present on the skin surface. These patterns achieve their complete development during the period of pregnancy and remain stable throughout an individual's lifespan. Fingerprints refer to the impressions formed by the unique patterns present on the fingertips. Bruising resulting from accidental injuries, such as cuts and burns, can temporarily compromise the visibility of fingerprints. However, after the lesion has fully healed, the original patterns will be restored. Fingerprint recognition is a highly dynamic and extensively researched domain within the realm of biometrics. The word refers to the abbreviated form of the computational technique employed to ascertain the concordance between two distinct human fingerprints. In this naturally tough pattern recognition issue, it is imperative to minimize two error rates: the False Accept Rate (FAR) and the False Reject Rate (FRR). These mistake rates are in competition with each other. The development of computing capabilities has facilitated the creation of Automated Fingerprint Authentication Systems (AFIS), leading to a substantial increase in research activity, particularly in the past twenty years. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the issue surrounding fingerprint recognition, including an analysis of its underlying design and implementation difficulties, along with an assessment of its potential future developments.</p> Firas S. Abdulameer Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 29 45 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11333 Photolysis and photocatalysis of methylene blue by graphene oxide nanoparticle under sunlight irradiation <p>The Hummer technique was utilised to produce graphene oxide (GO),&nbsp; for this research.&nbsp; X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) were used to examine the structural properties of&nbsp; GO nanoparticles.By boosting adsorption, expanding the light absorption range, and blocking electron-hole pair recombination, GO enhances the photocatalytic efficiency. The GO have enormous potential uses in the degradation of organic contaminants from wastewater, and their manufacturing is expected to be scalable using this simple process. The improved catalytic activity of&nbsp; GO&nbsp;&nbsp; nanoparticle has been linked to the greater adsorption susceptibility of dye molecules, high charge separation, and suppressed recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs brought about by the presence of GO. These results demonstrated the promising prospects for future use of graphene-based semiconductor nanocomposites as visible-light photocatalysts in the field of water purification.</p> Ali K. Attia, a Wisam J. Aziz b Saleh H. Abud c Author Affiliations Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 46 56 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11335 The linear Paul Trap's Confined Stability Area for 40Ca+ Ions <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Quantum technology offers new computational, communication, simulation, and metrology methods. Traditional computers need help to solve significant problems like factorization due to exponential increases in computation time. However, quantum computers utilize quantum mechanics for sub-exponential problem size and can simulate nature at the quantum level. Scientists are increasingly interested in developing quantum computers using single ionized atoms in Paul traps. Each ion's ground state represents the least possible qubit value. The 40Ca+ trapped ions were used in a study as an example of a quantum qubit. The MATLAB program was applied to model factors impacting the restricted state and their effects. The solutions must be stable in both directions, requiring three-dimensional confinement of Mathieu's equation. The parameter influences the electrode's distance from the trap center, U<sub>DC</sub> voltage, ion mass, and radio frequencies. A variable voltage was used to control and demonstrate its impact on a specific chain of trapped ions. This research aims to understand better optimal conditions for confinement and ions' movement from state (4S1/2) to state (4P1/2) by resonance. The quantum state is subject to modification and alteration, making it a promising tool for solving complex problems.</p> Basem R. Kazem Mezher B. Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 57 72 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11336 Use of Singular Value Decomposition for a Deep Learning-Based Fast Intrusion Detection System <p>An artificial intelligence technique based on artificial neural networks for identifying risks. A range of professions, including the recognition of specific patterns or categories, have adopted deep learning methodologies. Data from intrusion detection assessments and security event monitoring were used to evaluate the network situation. The performance and accuracy of the detection must be improved. We decided to test a range of approaches utilizing an open data set in order to identify the best approach for intrusion detection. The current study aims to explore the possibility of using singular value decomposition (SVD) as a pre-processing step to reduce the dimensionality of the data. In addition to reducing the noise from the data, this pre-processing step reduces the dimensionality of the data to save time on calculations. The proposed strategy can help other currently used methods perform better. We test reduction strategies on the UNSW-NB15 dataset, and the outcomes are very positive.</p> Inbithaq A. Shakir Prof.Ahmed A. Al-fetouh Saleh (2) Prof.Hazem M.El-Bakry(3) Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 73 87 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11337 The Effect of Aluminum Dopant on some physical Properties of Zinc Oxide Thin Films Via Chemical Spray Pyrolysis <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Zinc oxide has been synthesized by using Chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) method with different Al concentration (0, 2 and 4) at%. XRD styles reveal that these films are polycrystalline hexagonal wurtzite structure, crystallite size was varied from 13.30 nm to 14.34 nm as Aluminum concentration increase. The AFM images displays uniform, crack free and average particle size was in the range (84.27-72.18) nm. Transmittance spectra have an average about 85%. The bandgap is moved to lower energy as Al doping increase.</p> Hamsa Abdul Kareem Hmoud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 30 123 1 13 10.35950/cbej.v30i123.11344