The semiotics of struggle in the story (The Martyrs Return This Week) by the Algerian writer Taher Wattar

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م.د.مهدي راضي عبدالسادة


      Al-Tahir wattar represents one of the most important figures in Algerian and Arabic narration. He took the responsibility upon himself to shed light on dangerous areas in the political, cultural and social life, he was devoted to the leftist thought which he embraced and it was clear in most of his writings.

“The Martyrs Return This Week” is considered one of the most important narration products by the writer that cannot be over sighted in the writer’s career, because it dealt with an important subject in regard to the deviation of the revolution by the beneficiaries and the people in control.

When the story was analyzed according to the efforts of the semiotic school of Paris and depending on Greimas’s semiotic square, it becomes clear that the case represents a struggle between two contradictories on the other, and the struggle of conflict and surrender resulted in a semantic shift that can be observed by the rise of one opposite on the other, which can indicate that the revolution cannot end, it must be kept going, so it can treat itself continuously.  

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How to Cite
م.د.مهدي راضي عبدالسادة. (2024). The semiotics of struggle in the story (The Martyrs Return This Week) by the Algerian writer Taher Wattar. Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(122), 370–355.
human sciences articles