Terms of publication in the Journal of the College of Basic Education (Researcher's Guide): 1. The journal publishes scientific and human research, and educational and psychological studies, using the scientific research methodology and its scientifically recognized steps. 2. The researcher is committed to scientific honesty and not quoting from the international information network or from another journal, and that the research does not obtain an acceptance of publication from another journal, otherwise the researcher bears the legal consequences. 3. When publishing human research, it is taken into account that the search pages do not exceed (25) pages, including references, tables, figures, appendices, and what exceeds that. The research is treated in terms of wages as two research. Note that the fees for publishing the research are (100,000) one hundred thousand Iraqi dinars for research inside the country and (100$) one hundred US dollars for research from outside the country, sent by transfer system via Western Union. As for scientific research, the maximum number of research pages is (15) pages only. 4. In writing his research, the researcher relies on the approved form in the journal. The researcher provides a summary of the research in Arabic and English, so that each of them does not exceed (200) words in one paragraph. The summary includes the following elements: (Reasons for choosing the topic, the research problem, the importance of the research, the objectives of the research, the most prominent hypotheses of the research, the field, the community and the research sample, the most important means of data collection, the most important statistical methods, the most important conclusions, the most important recommendations). 5. The title of the research and the list of sources should be written in both Arabic and English. 6. The margins are written in a separate list at the end of the research. 7. Keywords are presented in Arabic and English, ranging between 3-6 words. 8. Information and details about the researcher should be written in both Arabic and English for the research, and it should include (the researcher's name, academic title, exact specialization, place of work, in addition to his e-mail and mobile number). 9. The researcher submits an electronic copy of the research on a disk (CD) for the purpose of referring it to the electronic extraction committee, noting that the maximum limit for extraction is 20%, and what exceeds it obliges the researcher to make amendments to it in order to refer it to the extraction committee for examination again. 10. The research is presented to the editorial board to identify two residents in the field of research specialization and a linguistic resident. 11. The researcher submits one paper copy of the research, printed on A4 paper on one side, and the font type is Times New Roman for Arabic and English, font size is (14), the main title is in bold (16), and the margin and sources are in font size (12). And margins of 2.5 cm at the top, bottom and sides of the page. 12. The researcher undertakes to submit the research on a CD in its final form after making the modifications and taking into account the scientific and linguistic reviews of the residents. 13. The researcher should not ask for a paper copy of his research in case it was rejected by the residents. 14. The researcher has no right to change the information he submitted to the journal for the first time, whether it is related to the research or the researcher's personal information. 15. In the event that the researcher submits a request to withdraw the research, or if the publication procedures are not completed, or if it is not valid for publication, the researcher is not entitled to claim a refund for the publication amount. 16. The writing of scientific and human research is approved according to the model approved by the journal. 17. The electronic link to the journal is: edbs.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
This article has not been previously published, and it has not been submitted to another scientific journal for consideration (or there is a clarification on this matter provided to the editorial board in the comments section)
The researcher provides an electronic copy, and the font type is Times New Roman for Arabic and English, font size is (14), the main title is in bold (16), and the margin and sources are in font size (12) with footnotes of 2.5 cm above, below and on both sides of the page.
The text of the author is restricted to the stereotypical and stylistic requirements contained in (Download a copy by clicking here) the introductory text of the journal within this site
The researcher should fill in the following:
1. Fill out the information form to be filled out by the researcher: by entering the following link: ((download a copy by clicking here))
2. Undertaking: by entering the following link: ((download a copy by clicking here))
3. Attach the undertaking and a form that is filled out by the researcher, the publishing fees receipt, the receipt receipt, and a copy of the word search, and upload it to the site to complete the publishing procedures.
The researcher should fill in the following:
1. Fill out the information form to be filled out by the researcher: by entering the following link: (Download a copy by clicking here)
2. Undertaking: by entering the following link: (download a copy by clicking here)
3. Attach the undertaking and a form that is filled out by the researcher, the publishing fees receipt, the receipt receipt, and a copy of the word search, and upload it to the site to complete the publishing procedures.
Copyright Notice
Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication in another journal. Please see JEAS originality guidelines for details. Use this in conjunction with the points below about references, before submission i.e. always attribute clearly using either indented text or quote marks as well as making use of the preferred Harvard style of formatting. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.