الحداثة في الإسلام دراسة قرآنية

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

م.د. قيس عبد الله أحمد


The modernism is an advanced philosophy that paves the way to create  infrastructure  in the society based on  intellectuality, reasons, democracy, globalization; it is represented  in its reality  an elite preach  and not the preach of the society.

The modernism  is  a progressed  preach 

and it converts  from a phenomena having connection with  the  social change or social progress  to a philosophical  intellectual phenomena  surrounded with theories , and ideas  and not surrounded with  the reality  and the society.

The modernism  in its  western picture  is  characterized with the negation of the human's spiritual side  and resulted into  separating  the politics  from the religion. Thus,  it considers the metaphysical matters  are merely as sediments  in  past historical stage and giving the alternate  that being represented in a human , freedom and  mind that result  into progress  and science.

The modernism in the Islamic  thought  is considered an invitation to  development  and progress  due to  the
human's vision where physical, intellectual and spiritual dimensions are  completed . The first Ayah  in the Holy Quran  is " Ought to Read" , this means that Quran hugely concerns  over  the science and  knowledge , besides , the prestige Islam gives  to the intellectuality  proves that Islam is away from inaction and closure.

Holy Quran uncovers social, historic and  natural laws and regulations  that  control the  history movement in many Ayahs , this indicates that Islam  in its core  is  a struggle for the sake of  better life  and thus  the Islam  connects  between  the religion and  life.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
الحداثة في الإسلام دراسة قرآنية. (2019). مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 25(104), 120-142. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v25i104.4686
مقالات العلوم الانسانية

كيفية الاقتباس

الحداثة في الإسلام دراسة قرآنية. (2019). مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية, 25(104), 120-142. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v25i104.4686