The Impact of Teaching Science according to an visual Thinking Networks Program in the Achievement and at the Scientific Thinking of the Second Intremediate Femal School students

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أ.د يوسف فالح محمد الساعدي
رسل سلام جبار


The current research aim at identifying :

      The Impact  of Teaching Science according to an visual Thinking Networks Program in the Achievement of the Second Intremediate Femal School students.

In order to verify the research objective ,the researcher adopted the following one zero hypothese:

1.”there is no statistically significant difference at (0.05)in the average achievement score between the two experimental groups that studied Science according to program based on the networks of visual thinking and the control group that studied the Science in the achievement test in the traditional method”

The research community was identified by second grade secondary school students in atba bn gazoan  for girls. In the academic year (2018-2019), (126) students were divided into three study groups (A, B, C).to achieve the objective of the research and its hypothesis ,two methodologies are used :descriptive research methodology to identify the problem of reaearch ,needs and characteristics of female students and Experimental research methodology with both experimental and control groups ,one of which adjusts the other partially, to identify the effect . Selection of experimental design with two experimental and control groups, one of which controls the other partially and post-test to measure achievement, By random assignment, two groups (B, C) were selected as the basic research groups, randomly assigned (B) to be experimental group, and (C) control group .

After the exclusion of female students, the number of female students in the two groups was (75). The number of female students in group(B) was (38) and in group (c) was (37). The two groups were rewarded in the variables of intelligence, previous information in Science, The scientific article was identified in the last six chapters of the book of Science 1 of 2017 , (2018 -2019). The researcher taught the two research groups on her own and prepared the necessary teaching plans for this purpose. She reached (20) a plan for the experimental group according to the steps networks of visual thinking, And presented to the control group in accordance with the usual method and presented both plans to the arbitrators to verify their sincerity in the representation of the content and steps networks of visual thinking and the usual way, as formulated the behavioral objectives of the six chapters,(166) behavioral purposes representing the six levels of Bloom's classification of the cognitive field (remember, assimilation, application, analysis, composition, evaluation), the researcher prepared an achievement test consisting of (40) And the content that reached (85%) and then applied the test in its preliminary form on two samples of the non-students of the basic research sample, which amounted to (40,100) students, The purpose of the first pilot experiment was to determine the clarity of the paragraphs and to determine the response time. The second survey sample was designed to find the statistical characteristics of the test paragraphs and to analyze them statistically by finding the coefficient of difficulty, ease, discrimination and effectiveness of alternatives. They were confirmed by the use of the Kjoder-Richardson-20 for the achievement test  and the stability coefficient .

 The results of the study showed using Z-test forone independent samples equal to the following :

1- The students of the experimental group who studied according to the Hayes strategy exceeded the students of the control group who studied according to the usual method in the achievement test. The calculated (z) was (15.748), while the z (tabular) value was (2.58) (0.05).

From these results ,the research concluded that teaching with visual thinking networks is having a significant effect on raising the students achievement in Science ,as the scale effect reached (0.772) with significant rate.Accordingly, the researcher presented a number of recommendations, including the participation of teachers and teachers of physics from the daily study plans to teach second grade students average article according program based on the networks of visual thinking for its effect in raising the level of student achievement. The researcher also suggested conducting similar studies for the current study in scientific subjects and other stages of study such as preparatory or university level (faculties of education, basic education), especially in the sections of scientific studies

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How to Cite
The Impact of Teaching Science according to an visual Thinking Networks Program in the Achievement and at the Scientific Thinking of the Second Intremediate Femal School students. (2020). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(106), 143-159.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The Impact of Teaching Science according to an visual Thinking Networks Program in the Achievement and at the Scientific Thinking of the Second Intremediate Femal School students. (2020). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(106), 143-159.