Social control in the rural community, a field study in the tribal norms in Al-Mahnawiya district

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Naseer Mohsen Abdul Hussein


With the emergence of human gatherings and the multiplicity of forms of interaction between individuals and societies, the complexity of life
Social Individuals, social groups, and societies have begun to establish specific standards for regulating images
Multiple social interactions and dealings, which have transformed over time from mere naive standards to others
There are serious and binding standards that all members of society must abide by in their daily behavior
In order to guarantee the rights of others and thus achieve a kind of social cohesion,

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How to Cite
Social control in the rural community, a field study in the tribal norms in Al-Mahnawiya district. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(60), 283-304.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Social control in the rural community, a field study in the tribal norms in Al-Mahnawiya district. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(60), 283-304.