Farewell poetry in Andalusia, modern Almohads and red brown A study in style, graphic image and internal rhythm

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أ.م.د. ناهي إبراهيم العبيدي
زياد طارق لفتة العبيدي


This research is concerned with the study of farewell poetry in Andalusia, the era of the Almohads and Bani Al-Ahmar, in terms of aspects
Three technical, formed the main headings of three topics, preceded by an introduction. The introductory title is (
A glimpse of poetry
Al-Wada` in al-Andalus, the era of the Almohads and the Bani al-Ahmar, and as for the investigations, it is the first topic: the method,
And the second topic: the graphic image, and the third topic: the internal rhythm. The research ended with a conclusion, which was written down
It contains the most important findings. Perhaps the most prominent of them:
1. The research showed that the farewell poets succeeded in improving their texts, through diversifying the styles they used
They used it like interrogative, request, call, and others. And their choice of these methods came;

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How to Cite
Farewell poetry in Andalusia, modern Almohads and red brown A study in style, graphic image and internal rhythm. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(81), 173 - 211. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v19i81.7207
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Farewell poetry in Andalusia, modern Almohads and red brown A study in style, graphic image and internal rhythm. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 19(81), 173 - 211. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v19i81.7207