George Eliot's Moral Vision in Silas Marner

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Abbas Hilal Farhood


The reputation of George Eliot ( 1819­1880) rests mainly on her

novels Adam Bede 1859, The Mill on the Floss 1860, Silas Marner

1861 and Middlemarch 1871. In Adam Bede George Eliot examines the

driving forces of her characters who suffer from their inherent egoism and

self­deception. The Mill on the Floss is a detailed study of a girl's

growth towards maturation

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How to Cite
George Eliot’s Moral Vision in Silas Marner . (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(57), 1-14.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

George Eliot’s Moral Vision in Silas Marner . (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(57), 1-14.