Quantity determination of Recorcinol by coupling reaction with diazotized Of 4-aminacet phenone

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Ahmed Jassim Muklive


Development of an analytical method to determine Recorcinol
compound by coupling reaction for diazotized solution of 4- aminacet
phenone in the presence of buffer solution NasHPO, (pH= 10.8) to give a
compound with a single azo dye salt having orange color soluble in water
with high absortivity at a wave length 449 nm , an early study to have a
perfect optimum condition was made for the determination. A calibration
curve for a range of concentration (5-75)pm was taken and the value of
molar absortivity was 1.5*10° L.mol'.cm™ with a relative standard
deviation more than 1.26% and a recovery 98.77% .As we study the nature
of the azo dye by mole fraction method, from the practical value we found
that the mole fraction of the dye compound is 1:1(Recorcinol: 4-aminacet
phenone) and the stability factor reach to 1.4*10° L.mol’.

Article Details

How to Cite
Quantity determination of Recorcinol by coupling reaction with diazotized Of 4-aminacet phenone . (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(85), 663-670. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i85.8698
pure science articles

How to Cite

Quantity determination of Recorcinol by coupling reaction with diazotized Of 4-aminacet phenone . (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(85), 663-670. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i85.8698