The design system of sunshades for shop fronts and their functionality

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أ.م.د. لبنى أسعد عبد الرزاق
سعد علاء ياسين


The design umbrellas of the most important and most effective ways to improve the urban environment and development , which is reflected in the space of the street with its artistic and cultural dimensions and health , and the importance of research comes in (highlighting and set up a knowledge base related to solar designs umbrellas) , also the research aims to (design processors for umbrellas shops and job performance) , this was the highlight of what it included the first chapter , the second chapter contains two sections , the first relates to the design characteristics of the umbrellas , the most important types and global experiences and raw materials used in the manufacture , the second topic was touched on the body and function and influential impact , space and types , foundations and design aesthetics , environment and environmental design , human engineering , the third chapter has included research procedures , It was taken the way of content analysis in order to achieve the objectives of the research and through the analysis of a sample deliberate representative of society ,  It was the analysis through , scientific measure was designed and applied to the sample ,  then ratified the tool has been found after it was presented to a group of experts ,  then extract stability through coordination among analysts was the most important findings of her research:

1- was characterized by all the bodies being non-local and do not hold the appliqué design local identity.

2 -bodies lacked diversity chromatography his art was limited to three colors that make the user to choose the color selected.

The main conclusions were:

3- change depending on the design of the body climatic variables and appropriate treatments and by geographic region.

Down to the recommendations and proposals .

Article Details

How to Cite
The design system of sunshades for shop fronts and their functionality. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(87), 145-169.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The design system of sunshades for shop fronts and their functionality. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(87), 145-169.