Poets of the second century AH in Andalusia (study and make)

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م. م. احمد جواد كاظم


After our extrapolation of the poetry of the poets of the second Hijri century in Andalusia "study and craft", we found the multiplicity of poetic purposes among the poets of the second century, including the poet Abi al-Ajrab al-Kilabi, Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil, Hasana al-Tamimiyya, the slave-girl, and Abbas bin Nasih. , pride and flirtation, as well as the spirit of challenge and bragging are clear in their poetic verses, as well as topics of the purpose of praise such as generosity, generosity and courage that we found in their poetry, especially the poet Abu Al-Makhshi in his praises of Suleiman bin Abdul Rahman Al-Dakhil.


رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"


Article Details

How to Cite
Poets of the second century AH in Andalusia (study and make). (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 22(96), 109-142. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v22i96.8867
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Poets of the second century AH in Andalusia (study and make). (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 22(96), 109-142. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v22i96.8867