The cultural sources of the vocabulary of Andalusian poetry During the fifth and sixth centuries AH

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م. د . ندى عسكر محمود


Andalusian spinning poetry simulates a beautiful bouquet of roses that the spinning poet presents to the beloved. Acceptable, and here the position of the poetic expression among the poets of Andalusian spinning emerged so that they extracted from it those words with their motifs, their poetic delicacy, the beauty of their resonance and the dimension of their range. This research is a study of the sources of the spinning words used by the Andalusian spinning poets in that period and their selection of the words for their spinning lexicon. In the appropriate way, because of its influence, within a exemplary creative and artistic framework, the poetics of the flirting poets were shown in a new framework. In addition to combining the grandeur of the old and the splendor of the modern, the research included a conclusion that contained the results of this research topic, as well as the importance of the reference that I adopted for this research, which is the artistic structure in the poetry of spinning in the Abbasid era by Dr. Najm Majeed in expanding the horizons of the results of the research topic.

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How to Cite
The cultural sources of the vocabulary of Andalusian poetry During the fifth and sixth centuries AH. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(56), 85-144.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The cultural sources of the vocabulary of Andalusian poetry During the fifth and sixth centuries AH. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(56), 85-144.