Use of humic acid in the treatment of salt solutions using the germination percentage as a guide to treatment laboratory

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Firas Mohammed Sajet Al-Uoqaili


Experiment was conducted, to study the effect of addimg different volume  of humic to  different concentrations of sodium chloride(NaCl) on  plant seed germination. cucumber  seeds ( high sensitivity to salinity ) were selected as an index for percentage of germination which was calculated  after a week of nursing

 Results indicated that Lack of seed germination of cucumber plant in salt solutions with concentrations of the following ((5000,7000,10000,14000 ppm, but the Irrigation with salt solutions  (mentioned above)+ humic acid up to 3400 micro gram)  led to  significant increase in  germination percentage in all salt concentrations  so it do well for control salinity effect.

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How to Cite
Use of humic acid in the treatment of salt solutions using the germination percentage as a guide to treatment laboratory. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(75), 229-237.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Use of humic acid in the treatment of salt solutions using the germination percentage as a guide to treatment laboratory. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(75), 229-237.