The source ray's effect on some physical properties of polycarbonate in chloroform at room temperature

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Hadi Gali Attia
Hadil Adil


The aim of this work is to study the effect of GAMMA rays on some rheological  and optical properties of Polycarbonate  solution in chloroform at different concentrations before and after radiation with  source for a rate of 508 (Rad/min) for 40 minutes.

Some types of viscosities, optical absorption , refractive index, average viscosity molecular weight, Effective molecular radius, Reflectivity, Coefficient of finesse, Specific reflectance .

The results show that most measured and calculated properties increase with concentration in solvent, but the values of  density, shear viscosity, relative, specific, reduced, intrinsic and molecular weight increase with radiation and the values of absorbance, refractive index and coefficient of finesse decrease with radiation, this could attributed to degradation leads gasses  products .    

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How to Cite
The source ray’s effect on some physical properties of polycarbonate in chloroform at room temperature. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 1-14.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The source ray’s effect on some physical properties of polycarbonate in chloroform at room temperature. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 1-14.