The effect of crude aqueous extract of cocoon beetle Larinus maculatus F. on some hematological parameters in male white mice Mus musculus

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Aqbal N. Tawfiq


    The aim of this study to investigate the effect of crude hot aqueous extract of cocoon beetle Larinus maculatus Faldermann(Family: Curculionidae) in a different doses(50,100,200,300)mg/Kg/ day respectively with periods (15,25,35,45) days respectively  on some hematological parameters such as hemoglobin(Hb),red blood cells count(RBCs),Packed cell volume(PCV),mean corpuscular volume(MCV),mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH),mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)and white blood cells count(WBCs)were determined in mice Mus musculus administered orally the extract .The results showed that there was a significant decrease (P<0.05) in Hb ,PCV, RBCs  values, and MCV,MCH and MCHC also affected by the extract  for all of  the treatments and in all the periods . In WBCs values there was a significant increase (P<0.05) with all of treatments  and with different periods .The results therefore indicate there was anemia with experimental animals and  the presence of undesirable effect in the use of aqueous extract of beetle cocoon in the raw form  at least  at the administered concentrations and for the duration of feeding. The findings are unhealthy since the raw extract of this cocoon is currently being used as drug as treatment for cough, bronchitis in many families in Iraq ,Syria, Turkey and Iran

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How to Cite
The effect of crude aqueous extract of cocoon beetle Larinus maculatus F. on some hematological parameters in male white mice Mus musculus. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 45-60.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The effect of crude aqueous extract of cocoon beetle Larinus maculatus F. on some hematological parameters in male white mice Mus musculus. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 45-60.