Using the slit diffusion function to evaluate the quality of images in optical systems.

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A variety of methods exist for evaluating the performance of


optical systems, a very common principle is to have a system under


test project an image of a well defined object.


In early days it had been shown the advantage of a single bar.


The image of an incoherently illuminated single bar (Bar spread


function) will be attacked and solved for the case of aberration free


circular aperture and in the presence of off-axis aberration and on-


axis aberration.


The evaluation of the bar spread function for the previous case


was achieved by integration over the exit pupil using Gauss



Article Details

How to Cite
Using the slit diffusion function to evaluate the quality of images in optical systems. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 52, 483-496.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Using the slit diffusion function to evaluate the quality of images in optical systems. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 52, 483-496.