Arabic Virtues in the Poetry of the Uncultivated Period that represent peace for the life of the Society

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أ.م.د. علاء جاسم جابر


Every society has its own moral virtues representing its merits

The Poetry of the Uncultivated period reflects the Arabic . and hopes

merits like honour, chastity, faith respect that were the principles of

the Arabs to live in peace.

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How to Cite
Arabic Virtues in the Poetry of the Uncultivated Period that represent peace for the life of the Society . (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 52, 1-30.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Arabic Virtues in the Poetry of the Uncultivated Period that represent peace for the life of the Society . (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 52, 1-30.