Comparison of some physical abilities among the students for the two morning studies and evening courses in the College of Basic Education - A descriptive research on the female students of the first stage in the Department of Physical Education-

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أ.م.د.نبيل عبد الوهاب
م.م.مثال ناجي فالح


Physical fitness has become of great importance in the field of scientific progress, which opens day
A day later, new horizons for its development, as it constitutes a cornerstone in achieving the health aspects

per capita in general, and thus it is considered a measure of the extent of progress of countries and societies.
There is no doubt that physical fitness is a measure by which we can predict the extent of progress.
achieved by the curricula in the faculties and departments of physical education in particular, as a basis for
It can be dispensed with in games, events and all sporting activities, and this is confirmed by
Marwan Abdel Majeed Ibrahim, where he says ((that physical fitness is the backbone and the base on which
No discussion is accepted about its importance because it has become one of the basic postulates in education.
Sports)), (1) and in this we see the importance of physical fitness, as it helps students in performance and proficiency
And the skillful completion of all practical lessons as the basic rule for them.
On the other hand, it works on the development of other voluntary qualities that are necessary
For the individual in general and for the students of the faculties of physical education, as it helps them to continue and develop in

All practical materials and skills.

Article Details

How to Cite
Comparison of some physical abilities among the students for the two morning studies and evening courses in the College of Basic Education - A descriptive research on the female students of the first stage in the Department of Physical Education-. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 52, 415-432.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Comparison of some physical abilities among the students for the two morning studies and evening courses in the College of Basic Education - A descriptive research on the female students of the first stage in the Department of Physical Education-. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 52, 415-432.