Developing the numerical sense of the first intermediate grade students using strategies mental arithmetic

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The observer and follower of the development of school mathematics notes that the mathematics of the first century
The twenty-something focuses on developing thinking, its skills, and general understanding of the sports system.
on mathematical structures rather than mathematical operations and procedures, and that one of the motives for developing its education
And learning them, as William Obaid asserts, is to get rid of the routine traditional skills and concepts.
definitions and algorithms that are on the verge of falling into disrepair and that have been marginalized by computers in light of the fact that man thinks
Computers are calculated and facilitated with the intention of man solving his problems and advancing his innovations.

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How to Cite
Developing the numerical sense of the first intermediate grade students using strategies mental arithmetic. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 51, 419-436.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Developing the numerical sense of the first intermediate grade students using strategies mental arithmetic. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 51, 419-436.