future plans of the university

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Research and investigation to know the future plans of the university is an effort and work fraught with many challenges.

Theoretical, methodological and practical difficulties and problems. It is a research in the future that falls under the so-called

Future, prospective or predictive studies (Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science: 2000,

(1) The research in the future is related to the efficiency and validity of the approaches, tools and means that

They are used to investigate and identify him, and then plan to deal with him. On the other hand, it is connected

And it is related to the meaning that you add to the future that we seek or to achieve. Is it the future?

Which we dream and desire and wish and want? Or is the future what it should be?! Or is the future

The inevitable situation that is determined by the conditions and factors of the past and present, our choices and our actions? or that which it is based on

The basis of an intellectual, theoretical, or ideological, religious or ideological framework? (Khllan) 1986: 10.

The future study is still a relatively recent scientific endeavour, despite the multiplicity of visions.

And the curricula, there is agreement that there is not one single future, but rather there are several alternative futures or

potential, and therefore it is from the nature of things that there are many forward-looking readings for the future, and foreseeing

The future is an exploratory effort that accommodates different future visions of things, systems, and overall consistency.

And the subsidiary is in a world that is turbulent with movement and is characterized by an increasing degree of uncertainty. Therefore, the advisory discourse

It has a special cognitive nature, as it is a probabilistic discourse that necessarily includes the identification of critical paths.

For the future (Saad Al-Din) (1982: 174), and the assumptions, visions, and perceptions are multiple, dependent, and related

In turn, a huge number of schools of thought, ideology, theory and methodology, both on and around

at the level of individuals, groups, states, or civilizations, there are those whose assumptions and perceptions of

the future on the grounds that it is an extension of the past and the present, and there are those who believe that the future can be determined

Control over it is based on long-term planning and a strong will, and another group believes that it is not possible.

Rather, it is impossible to know the future or what it holds of events or surprises. For this, one should rely on

What is called short-term planning or what is called piecemnae social engineering

engineering, and another category that sees the future as a box of Greek myths, Pandra

The box is filled with everything that can be expected, good and bad, required and rejected (Arab Educational Organization,


Article Details

How to Cite
future plans of the university. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 45, 187-202. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi45.9643
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

future plans of the university. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 45, 187-202. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi45.9643