Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Malah, his poetry is collected and studied

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Ibn al-Maleh was one of the poets of the state of Bani Abbad, one of the states of the kings of the sects, and its capital was Seville.
The rule of this country extended from the year (414 AH) to (484 AH). The end of it was on hand
Al-Murabitin in the year 484 (AH) when Al-Mu'tamid bin Abbad Asir signed with Yusuf bin Tashfin, who
He was afflicted and exiled to the castle of Aghmat in Marrakesh. Some poets composed poems lamenting the state of the Banu
Worshipers, remembering their political and literary glories, especially that the sons of slaves were Arabs from Bani Lakhm.
Al-Mu'tadid (d. 461 AH) sought to bring writers and poets closer to his council until Seville flourished
In his era and the era of his son Al-Mu'tamid, who was a poet like his father Al-Mu'tadid.
Bakr ibn al-Milh lived this state and composed his poetry in the shadow of its glories, and he was close to al-Mu'tadid ibn Abbad.
and his al-Mu'tamid son, but the historical and literary books detracted us from the news of this poet, as well as
She was tired of his poems and poems, so I memorized only a few verses, and my endeavor was to dig into
literary and Andalusian sources, but I did not find notice and news of him except in nine sources from

Andalusian literature sources.

Article Details

How to Cite
Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Malah, his poetry is collected and studied. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 47, 51-76. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi47.9668
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Malah, his poetry is collected and studied. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 47, 51-76. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.vi47.9668