Al-Sayyab press reports

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Introduction Al-Sayyab remains a novel that has been renewed over the years, increasing in splendor and splendor due to the distinguished literary position it occupies as an artistic phenomenon and as one of the pioneers of modern Arabic poetry. Iraqi and Arab newspapers and magazines revealed to us his views and complexities regarding the various phenomena of literature and its arts, which revealed a hidden aspect of his life, which included many positions and literary, political and intellectual life stations.

civilization and human beings. He presented it with a burning mind, and a flowing vitality that reflected his unique poetry.
In accomplishing my modest effort, I relied on the newspapers in which al-Sayyab edited his articles.
I included his propositions, opinions and positions, since my research was limited to his journalistic activities, and because my goal
It is to limit his journalistic output and to stand on what Al-Sayyab said, revealing, analyzing and extrapolating.

I have given Sayyab part of his rights over us.

Article Details

How to Cite
Al-Sayyab press reports. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 48, 33-50.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Al-Sayyab press reports. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 48, 33-50.