The constitutional crisis in Cyprus “its stages and the attempt of Makarios III to exit of them” (1960-1963)

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The world imagined that the Cyprus issue was resolved with the signing of the Zurich-London agreements.
They laid the foundation for the state of Cyprus, as they included the island’s constitution, which determined the form of the government system.
It declared its independence as a republic on the sixteenth of August, 1960, but what happened is
On the contrary, it was the beginning of a new crisis over some of the provisions of the constitution, which were not
To satisfy the aspirations of the Greek Cypriots, as they are its enemy, prejudicing their rights as a majority. And he came
The subject of this research is “the constitutional crisis in Cyprus, its beginnings and the attempt of Makarios III
Exit from 1960-1963, a desire to shed light on the nature of that crisis, analyzing

factors and explaining the reason for their occurrence.
The research consisted of this introduction, four chapters, and a conclusion that included the most important conclusions.
to which it is connected. The first topic dealt with the two points of view of the two groups of the population of Cyprus.
Greeks and Turks in the two agreements. As for the second topic, it focused on the articles of the constitution.
The difference over its application between the two groups of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. And he touched
The third topic refers to the declaration of President Makados III of his intentions to amend the constitution and the plan of
Akritas. The fourth topic was "Makadios III's proposals to get out of the crisis," as it included

The thirteen points for amending the constitution.
The research benefited from many sources that enriched it greatly, because it contained scientific information.
Accurate and sober, including the book of Khalil Ibrahim Salih, Halil Ibrahim Salih
“Cyprus the Impact of Divers Nationalism on a State,” and Pierre’s book

Pierre Oberling, "The Cyprus Tragedy," and other sources.
First: The viewpoints of the two Cypriot groups (11) on the two Zurichland agreements:

Article Details

How to Cite
The constitutional crisis in Cyprus “its stages and the attempt of Makarios III to exit of them” (1960-1963). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 50, 205-238.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The constitutional crisis in Cyprus “its stages and the attempt of Makarios III to exit of them” (1960-1963). (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 50, 205-238.