The status of Iraq in the Middle East - visions and dimensions

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م.م. ظفر عبد مطر


The research deals with one of the contemporary and important issues; Which has deep roots in political history
For the major countries, Iraq has a direct impact on the course of political transformations in the Middle East, p
It is the heart of the Greater Middle East project; The transformations taking place in the region and the world as a whole will not happen
Away from his expected and decreed role within the international contexts that define the political features of the outside world;
Despite what has been written on the subject, it needs a lot of explanation and explanation, because it is covered in more than one article
A formula that corresponds to the international, regional and even local data of the relevant country, and in this matter
We note that Iraq as a country has become the link that brings together all the disparate international trends. to meet on
his land in order to draw future plans; And if the Greater Middle East project is one of the plans
To control the future in the region, this means the presence of players who play their specific roles for them; on me
That its results are in the supreme interest of a country like the United States of America} and whose role appears
Marbinta to the extent of the stability of the situation in Iraq; If this becomes the case, then this means the status of the states
USA is on the right track in building the project; And laying the brunt of carrying it out for the rest
international and regional parties; What is required of us at the current stage is an extensive reading to understand the dimensions of this
The project, its objectives, and what will happen to Iraq and the Middle East region as a result of its implementation; and try to study it
Objectively and impartially away from the narrow frameworks that will determine our concept of international politics and its tools
On this basis, our research came to provide a brief idea of what is happening within the concept of the Middle East project
Al-Kabeer and Iraq's political connection to this project.

Article Details

How to Cite
The status of Iraq in the Middle East - visions and dimensions. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(82), 501-516.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The status of Iraq in the Middle East - visions and dimensions. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(82), 501-516.