The moral values of the families of the reading book for the sixth grade of primary school

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م.م. دنيا محمود إسماعيل


The study of values comes from its close connection with all the principles of social, economic and political life
It is related to human relations in all its forms. Educators emphasized the importance of moral values and their role in education
Every human activity» as its importance and role in modern education increased in light of the scientific and progressive progress
Who invaded all the principles of life and who did not solve the problems of contemporary human life, but rather increased tensions
and social and political unrest due to its failure to provide an optimal alternative to these ethical values
absent in the real world. The importance of moral values in the life of the individual and society is clear because behavior
In its essence, it is based on the principle of the system that governs relations between people and achieves harmony between people
The individual and the social environment he deals with in any age group.

Perhaps the importance of ethics stems from its close relationship with all the principles of life »for the sake of not
deviates from the right path and we make the school the first ally of the family to reach this result
Because education is an important factor of change and social advancement, especially in our Arab and Muslim society
Its basis is moral values, as the Messenger said: [I was sent to complete the honorable morals].

There is no doubt that family education is one of the basic responsibilities of the family, as the family is the factory
The first that forms the personality of the social being, especially in the early stages of his life.

The first thing that the direction of inculcating and developing values calls for is defining the areas of values that should be taught
In the school and the selection of educational means and methods that help learners to represent and acquire those values
In recent times, there have been many calls for the need for educational institutions to play a greater role in education
The field of moral education and giving it more space in the educational curricula.

Article Details

How to Cite
The moral values of the families of the reading book for the sixth grade of primary school. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(82), 735-786.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The moral values of the families of the reading book for the sixth grade of primary school. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(82), 735-786.