Safavid relations with the kingdoms of India During the reign of Shah Tahmasp

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أ. م. د. احمد كاظم محسن البياتي
محمد جواد عبد الكاظم الشمري


The research deals with the Safavid relations with the kingdoms of India during the reign of Shah Tahmasp I
15764 with the development that took place in these relations on the various political levels
Economic, cultural, and the extent of Shah Tahmasp's realization of the need to strengthen these relations for what they have
From a clear influence on Persia, especially since the Shah wanted to show the Mongols that his state was capable
for achieving victories over his enemies, the Uzbeks and the Ottomans” and also for his desire to spread the teachings
Twelvers in all parts of Bengal and India.

The research also dealt with the relations of the Safavid state with the other kingdoms of India in the Deccan
located south of India; And Shah Tahmasp endeavored relentlessly to send messengers to them to tell them
with the victories he achieves over the Uzbeks and the Ottomans; And let the Shah also work to strengthen it
his relations with those kingdoms; To see its news and how things are going; And to ensure that
Spreading the foundations and principles of the Twelver doctrine in those regions.

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How to Cite
Safavid relations with the kingdoms of India During the reign of Shah Tahmasp. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 309-328.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Safavid relations with the kingdoms of India During the reign of Shah Tahmasp. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 309-328.