Distribution of the Messenger of God spoils of nostalgia [analytical historical study]

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م. د. كاظم جواد كاظم المنذري


The Battle of Hunayn achieved a great victory for the Muslims, representing the destruction of another idol in the Arabian Peninsula
and put all the Arabs themselves under the banner of Islam; As well as that produced in large spoils not seen
Muslims in previous invasions. Messenger of God; Peace be upon him and his family has followed a policy
The new division of spoils led to the astonishment of the Muslims; The Prophet was: in those
Through this research study, the relevant topics are as follows:
The first axis in the Battle of Hunayn; and the second axis in the siege of Taif; And the third axis
In the spoils of nostalgia and the division of the Messenger of God, like him, has the axis of the flag, explaining the wisdom of distributing the spoils from
This model ends with the research seal, where the most important results produced by the research, and after five
appendices to an epilogue explaining the obscure; They are:
The first annex in the translations of the Companions who proved with the Messenger of God T: . Appendix II
In translations, martyrs of nostalgia. Annex III, the list of martyrs in the Muslim siege of Taif.
I mentioned the fourth annex in the definition of positions in the research. Annex V in the definition of the mechanism
new military equipment used at the siege of Taif; It ends with a list of all search margins.

Article Details

How to Cite
Distribution of the Messenger of God spoils of nostalgia [analytical historical study]. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 367-396. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i86.9892
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Distribution of the Messenger of God spoils of nostalgia [analytical historical study]. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(86), 367-396. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i86.9892