Use of graphic design software in linear business processors

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أ.د. نصيف جاسم محمد
صادق جعفر جابر الشكاكي


The idea of the design work depends on whatever its treatments are, whether in the intellectual or

Job given and at all stages of completion on a set of foundations and methods
Structural elements that process text, digital graphic processing, depend on a set of
Software and digital processing tools, which positively affected the employment of those
Treatments to clarify the visual semantic and aesthetic dimension consistent with the design idea
In addition to that, the enhancements granted by these processors to enrich the linear visual achievement
The processor digitizes the new readability or gives the text a new mosaic for multiple readings and not
One closed reading, according to the expression of (Julia Kristeva), who cared about the multi-reading of the text
Mosaic and considered it a mosaic of all colors. And the current research took upon itself the task of research
Investigating aspects of that; By organizing it according to four chapters; included
The first chapter includes the research problem that the researcher touched, and it is related to the field of linear painting treatment
in digital designs; He asked the following question as a problem for his research: What are the design treatments?
Using digital graphics programs in written works?
The importance of the research was determined by:
Developing conceptual awareness among workers in the field of digital graphic design.
What the digital software contributes to a new conceptual development for reading the written achievement on the

The aesthetic and functional level, and giving linear achievements space for cross-fertilization and communication with

Modern and contemporary global achievements.

The search was determined by the following

Article Details

How to Cite
Use of graphic design software in linear business processors. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 421-452.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Use of graphic design software in linear business processors. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 421-452.