The effect of visual compound exercises in the two methods Variable and random to develop accuracy and speed Motor response in some skills technical volleyball players

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The study aimed to identify the effect of visual compound exercises in the two variable styles
And random to develop the accuracy and speed of motor response in some of the technical skills of football players
Volleyball for youth ages 16-181 (years old); Use the experimental method for its suitability to nature
search; The research sample consisted of the police club players and the third and adult football team
They have (0! players) divided into two groups, each group (10) players used
The first group (visual compound exercises with a variable exercise method), which is a group
The third Karkh breeding team, while the second group, the Police Club group, was used
(Visual composite exercises randomly styled); The program implementation period continued (10).
weeks, at the rate of three training units per week; These exercises were performed at the beginning of the section
the principal of the educational unit; After implementing the educational program, the researchers concluded that there is
A development occurred between the two groups in favor of the post-tests in the research tests; While
No significant differences were achieved between the two groups in the post tests.

Article Details

How to Cite
The effect of visual compound exercises in the two methods Variable and random to develop accuracy and speed Motor response in some skills technical volleyball players. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 689-708.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The effect of visual compound exercises in the two methods Variable and random to develop accuracy and speed Motor response in some skills technical volleyball players. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 21(88), 689-708.