Imaginative thinking skills and their relationship to mathematical power among students-teachers In the Department of Mathematics / Colleges of Basic Education

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اميره نجم عبود محمد اللامي
أ. د.عباس ناجي عبد الامير المشهداني


       The aim of the current research is to identify imaginative thinking skills and their relationship to mathematical power among students_teachers in the Department of Mathematics / Colleges of Basic Education. The research community was limited to students-teachers in the Department of Mathematics in the Colleges of Basic Education, in the Iraqi universities (Al-Mustansiriya, Maysan, Diyala, Mosul, Tal Afar, Tikrit, Kufa) in the morning study for the academic year 2021-2022. The Mathematics Department of the universities (Al-Mustansiriya, Maysan, Diyala) with a total number of (440) male and female students. The two researchers prepared two research tools: a measure of the imaginative thinking skills of students-teachers in the Mathematics Department, and it consists of ((30 paragraphs in its final form), and the researchers extracted for this measure two validity indicators The apparent and validity of the construction and ensuring the stability of the scale using the internal consistency coefficient method (alpha-Cronbach), and the stability coefficient was (0.874). A test of mathematical strength consisting of ((30 objective items (multiple choice) with four alternatives for each paragraph, and two indicators of validity were extracted virtual and construction validity), and to ensure the stability of the scale using the internal consistency coefficient method (alpha-Cronbach), and the stability coefficient was (0.812).

After applying the two research tools on the sample, the scale and test were corrected, and the data was sorted and analyzed statistically. The results showed that:

  • Sample members have imaginary thinking skills.

  • There is a (D) difference between males and females in their possession of imaginary thinking skills.

  • Individuals with mathematical strength

  • There is no (D) difference in the test of athletic power according to the sex changer.

  • There is an expulsion correlation between the skills of imaginary thinking and the mathematical strength of the sample members.

 In the light of these findings, the researcher reached a number of conclusions and made a number of recommendations and proposals


Article Details

How to Cite
Imaginative thinking skills and their relationship to mathematical power among students-teachers In the Department of Mathematics / Colleges of Basic Education. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(119), 49-66.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Imaginative thinking skills and their relationship to mathematical power among students-teachers In the Department of Mathematics / Colleges of Basic Education. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(119), 49-66.

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