impact of the strategy of focusing attention the second intermediate grade the

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براء عبد مصلح
أ.م.د عناية يوسف حمزة


The current research aims to identify: "The impact of the strategy of focusing attention on the achievement of the Arabic language subject for the students of the second intermediate grade The researcher adopted the experimental method. Being the appropriate and suitable approach to the nature and purpose of her research, The researcher identified the current research community represented by the students of the second intermediate grade in the governmental daytime intermediate and secondary schools for girls affiliated to the General Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Karkh for the academic year (2022-2023); The researcher chose a sample for her research by the simple random method consisting of (60) students in (That Al-Nitaqain Secondary School for Girls) affiliated to the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Al-Karkh II, and it was randomly distributed to two groups (control and experimental) with (30) students in the experimental group, and (30) female student in the control group. The researcher studied the two research groups by herself, as it started on Wednesday corresponding to (2/22/2023) with two sessions per week for each group, and the experiment continued for (8) weeks, to end on Thursday corresponding to (4/27/2023). the researcher prepared a post achievement test consisting of (32) objective items of multiple choice type, which she applied to the experimental and control research groups at the end of the experiment, and the test was characterized by honesty, stability and objectivity.

The researcher processed the research data and its results by using the statistical bag (spss) and using the following equations (t-test and two independent samples), (chi-square test), (difficulty coefficient), (discrimination coefficient), (effectiveness of alternatives), (Kueder-Richardson equation (20) and ( Eta equation, Smirtoff and Levine values, and the search yielded the following result:

There is a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0, 05) between the mean scores of the experimental group students and the mean scores of the control group students, in favor of the experimental group.

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How to Cite
براء عبد مصلح, & أ.م.د عناية يوسف حمزة. (2024). impact of the strategy of focusing attention the second intermediate grade the. Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(122), 100=82.
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