Elements derived from the Mesopotamian civilization in handicrafts For the Applied Arts Institute fashion show

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Baydaa Sabeeh Sadiq
Rajaa Ibrahim Jabbar


Handicrafts represent a group of human actions, characterized by being of a distinctive and innovative artistic nature through the use of simple raw materials and depend mainly on various manual skills. It was the evidence that reached us and the witness to those great civilizations, such as the Mesopotamian civilization. These artifacts also had a major role in raising The level of students’ mental and mental abilities, self-development, and the development of their innovative and creative ability through the handicrafts that students presented, which they designed and implemented in their annual projects, which worked to show the aesthetic and artistic values in the heritage of Mesopotamia and its various civilizations. It was also the most effective way to improve public taste, especially taste. The research has set its goal to reveal the basic sources of design derivations derived from the Mesopotamian civilization in The handicrafts on which the fashion show was based, submitted by students of the Textile Design Techniques Department for the academic year 2022/2023, as the show represents the research community from which its sample of four samples was chosen intentionally, in line with the requirements of the research, which adopted the descriptive analytical approach to produce the results of the research. Which came represented by the multiplicity of derivational sources of the elements derived in the design of the artifacts, which did not lead to a dispersion in the visual identity, but was characterized by With intellectual clarity that seeks to define the course of students' experiences and present the artifacts in the best way. Elements and decorative units were also drawn from the multiple civilizations in the Mesopotamia Valley and transformed into a

new work of art in an innovative manner

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Elements derived from the Mesopotamian civilization in handicrafts For the Applied Arts Institute fashion show. (2024). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(122), 502.481. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v29i122.11128
pure science articles

How to Cite

Elements derived from the Mesopotamian civilization in handicrafts For the Applied Arts Institute fashion show. (2024). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(122), 502.481. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v29i122.11128

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