Obstacles to developing the university curriculum for active learning: A field study on a sample of university professors

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أ.م.د. سرمد صلاح محي الدين


 Through the current study, we seek to clarify the nature of the obstacles that hinder the development of the university curriculum for active learning through a field study on a sample of university professors amounting to (100) individuals. The researcher was keen to select them randomly according to a number of variables. To collect data and information, a questionnaire was designed with a set of Dimensions: The researcher verified the validity and reliability tests of the questionnaire. After that, the questionnaire was applied to the research sample. The study concluded the following:

  1. The questionnaire as a whole obtained an arithmetic mean of (4.15), which represents the percentage weight (83%), and therefore active learning achieved a very good level.

  2. The field of (learners) and the field of (university administration) ranked first, while the second place went to (curriculum teachers).

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How to Cite
Obstacles to developing the university curriculum for active learning: A field study on a sample of university professors. (2024). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 30(124), 188-204. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v30i124.11457
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Obstacles to developing the university curriculum for active learning: A field study on a sample of university professors. (2024). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 30(124), 188-204. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v30i124.11457

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