Men's workmanship for Sheikh Sadr, who qualified for the Shirazi in his book (Explanation of the assets from adequate) for Kulayni

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م. د. علي خنجر مزيد


In the name of Allah the Merciful
     Praise be to God, forgiveness, forgiving, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the envoy as a mercy to the worlds, and to his pure family, and his chosen companions, and to whom he guided as a gift, and took his wisdom until the Day of Judgment.
     And yet: What is remarkable for the first time from the explanation of Sadr Al-Din Al-Shirazi to the book (Explaining the Fundamentals from Al-Kafi) is that it is not a purely updated news classification, nor a classification of a fundamentalist jurist who has totally devoted himself to jurisprudence, nor a verbal classification, so that it is only filled with suppression and persuasion, but rather It is a classification of a renewed divine philosopher in philosophy and a diligent master in talking, jurisprudence, speech and interpretation, but he was passionate about philosophical and metaphysical research, and he went through her efforts and received it from strong thinking on him with an Islamic religious smear in terms of origins and principles, renewed and poured into frames other than what was previously written in the minds, but it does not make sense This talk is that he remained a lifelong philosopher who was not emptied to Over the last, but through the philosophy, as it sees for himself faith in God and his books and his messengers and his arguments and Banath, and for that went to forethought in the Book of Allah and the sayings of the Prophet
(May God’s prayers be upon him and his family) and the imams of guidance (peace be upon them), and he made an effort in it, so he classified a great explanation on the part of the Qur’an and a philosophical explanation on the hadiths of the origins of Al-Kafi to a portion of the Book of Fundamentals, which is one of the greatest explanations of Al-Kafi, where Sheikh Al-Shirazi praised the author of Al-Kafi’s book: "The trustee of Islam, the confidence of the people, the perfect scholar, the accomplished and diligent, virtuous Muhammad bin Yaqoub al-Kulayni, the highest of God, and enlightened in the sky of knowledge in its turn."
     By following the Al-Shirazi approach in his explanation of Al-Kafi’s book, we see that he addressed many recent types of research, but I confined myself to men's research on the men of hadiths mentioned in the foundations of Al-Kafi so that the research does not last long, this led me to shed light on this research pointing to the men's industry that Al-Shirazi used in His explanation to show the modern side of this explanation, which distinguishes his comprehensive scientific standing, may God have mercy on him, broad mercy, so I made it the title of my research and its name (the modern workmanship of Sheikh Sadr of the qualified Al-Shirazi in his book Explaining the Origins of Al-Kafi to Sheikh Al-Kulayni) and I did not find, according to my knowledge, research on the topic, it is a virgin In Modo Aha.
    And put it in the introduction and two topics and a conclusion, while the introduction and the reason for choosing the topic and the research plan.
As for the first topic, it contains an introductory translation of the owner of the original book and its translation for the owner of the explanation.
The second topic, which includes: Men's workmanship for Sheikh Al-Shirazi.
Conclusion, in it: the most important findings and recommendations.
And it made his index to the sources.
At the end of this easy introduction, I am happy to present this effort in the hands of my distinguished professors and distinguished researchers, so a workbook rarely escapes from lapses, or a scholar escapes from stumbling.
And God Almighty blessings of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

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How to Cite
Men’s workmanship for Sheikh Sadr, who qualified for the Shirazi in his book (Explanation of the assets from adequate) for Kulayni. (2020). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(106), 118-131.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Men’s workmanship for Sheikh Sadr, who qualified for the Shirazi in his book (Explanation of the assets from adequate) for Kulayni. (2020). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 26(106), 118-131.