Mustafa Rashid Pasha, His Life , Political and Reformist Role In The Ottoman State (1800-1858)
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Mustafa Rashid Pasha (1800 - 1858) was one of the most important men of the Ottoman State, as he served as the greatest vizier (Prime Minister) five times, and as foreign minister twice, in addition to take the position of Governor of Edirne, and representing the Ottoman State as an ambassador in both London and Paris. He is the father of the organizations and the true architect of the reforms in the Ottoman State in the nineteenth century.
The research reached results that can be summarized as follows:
Mustafa Rashid Pasha had a great influence on the policy of the Ottoman Statein the both internally and externally field, as he was able, through the regulations that he issued in 1839, to regulate the conditions of the Ottoman Empire and to win European countries to their side in their wars against Russia.
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