The beauty of the strange form in digital child drama

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أ. د. محمد هادي أرحيم


Among the vies of technology and its revolutionary diffusion into amodern digital technology, different, extraneous, familiar or not forms which considered a logical development for such revolutionary diffusion in all aspects. Besides, it has brought the invension of new terms such as the process of cloning animals and even the ambition to get into the human cloning . This can be real with the existing of digital technology with all its different extraneous forms shaped by dancing , singing and super adventures in different behaviours that may get attension to . So, everything will be possible in the world as in art, especially cinema and television with the use of pixels which are the most important element in the digital photo or view, these give a flash and clearness for photos when increasing in number and vice versa.

          As a matter of fact, we can say that digital photo connected with pixwls.

          The problem of the study shed light on the creativity for it has the ability to create everytyhing beautifully, besides, the notional and scientific increasing that world witnessed recently. All these achievements existed to serve the extraneous digital works created for children taken from scientific proposed and extraneous fancy. The researcher has formulated the hypothesis of the study by the following question .

          What are the aesthentics features of the extraneous form in the digital movies addressed for children.

Article Details

How to Cite
The beauty of the strange form in digital child drama. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 28(114), 411-434.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The beauty of the strange form in digital child drama. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 28(114), 411-434.