ological for university The role of the strategy of immunization from intellectual alienation in achieving belonging Educational and psychstudents

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Ms. Alaa Jamil Saleh Al-Ugaili


Research the problem and its significance
Some societies have been exposed to several problems and challenges, including the Iraqi society, which has suffered from the scourge of wars, causing damage to the human and economic side, as well as to the extremist intellectual aspects that led to the formation of feelings of anxiety, poor security and some psychological disorders. However, university students are considered among the social strata on which it is relied upon to stand up to these challenges, in particular those who belong to psychological and educational knowledge and to which they should feel a sense of belonging. However, through the researcher’s experience and knowledge in being a university professor in educational and psychological sciences, most of them are revolving around many ambiguous positions about their psychological affiliation as well as their educational affiliation. Electronic and technical ones, which are now interfering with many tendentious psychological and educational cultures. It is clear (Barakat, 2011) that intellectual pollution is the most dangerous thing facing the individual and society, especially the youth, from deviant ideas due to the confusion of a small group of them and their dangerous actions to adopt these deviant ideas due to their weak intellectual level as well as Some of them are drawn to these destructive thoughts and shady currents (Barakat 2011:7). The phenomenon of intellectual alienation is clearly evident as a result of the value contradictions between the world of the West, which differs in its values ​​and principles, and the psychological and educational values ​​in the educational and social reality in Iraq. They want to achieve and the aspirations that they aspire to. Thus, the role of counseling comes to applied psychology, which aims to help individuals in facing the problems of daily life (El-Shenawy, 13:1994), of which is the immunization strategy, which seeks to reduce that intellectual interference that mars educational and psychological affiliation together. And ensuring educational and psychological affiliation For students of educational and psychological sciences, it will achieve a wide scope for spreading the image of university affiliation for university students as a whole, considering that students studying psychological sciences in educational reality effectively influence others from their colleagues. Through the above, the research problem can be formulated through the following question: Can it be a strategy Immunization from intellectual alienation has a role in achieving a high level of educational and psychological affiliation

Article Details

How to Cite
ological for university The role of the strategy of immunization from intellectual alienation in achieving belonging Educational and psychstudents. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 5(SI), 164-183. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v5iSI.5739
human sciences articles

How to Cite

ological for university The role of the strategy of immunization from intellectual alienation in achieving belonging Educational and psychstudents. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 5(SI), 164-183. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v5iSI.5739