The effect of using the digital (smart) whiteboard on the achievement and retention of the first intermediate grade students in geography

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Dr. Rahem kadhum Bidi


1- The role of use the digital and smart whiteboard in the achievement of first class students in the achievement of geography.

2-The effect of the use of digital (Smart) whiteboard in retention of geographic information among students in first class intermediate in order to achieve the research objective, the following tow hypotheses were formulated.

  1. Human Limits: The students of intermediate schools (government) day session only.

  2. Placement Limits: Baghdad governorate Center

  3. Scientific Limits: Scientific sallybus within the content of the last three sixth seventh and eighth chapters of the book of principles of general geography to be taught   by the ministry of education republic of Iraq.

  4. Time Limits: For the academic year 2017-2018

The researcher depend on the sample the experimental group with 30 students and (C) division was chosen to represent the control group with (30) students after three exclusion of students retractors in each division became the final number of the research sample (56) students.

The researcher was statistically rewarded between the students of the two research groups in some variables that experiment. These variables are; (the age of time calculated in months). The previous achievement geography the parents  educational achievement (the intelligence test).

The researcher prepared the scientific subject and formulated the behavioral goals for all the scientific content that covered the experiment and the preparation of the teaching plans.

The researcher also prepared verification test whose validity was verified and its coefficient of stability in the midterm split of (81,0) was corrected using spearman-equation. The test included (30) multiple choice each paragraph four alternatives one of which is correct and the other wrong the experiment began on Sunday2\10\2017 and ended on Tucsday  6\1\2018 researcher studied the tow research completion of the experiment he applied the post-achievement test and kept the students of the research groups with a time interval of fifteen days.

In order to analyze the data the research used the following statistical methods; T-test for two independent samples, Kai square person correlation coefficient.

After analyzing the data statistically the research reached the following:

In the view of the results of the research, the researcher recommended using the Digital (smart) whiteboard in the teaching of geography for the first intermediate grade because it has a positive effect in helping students to achieve and I suggest conducting similar studies for the current study  in stages and other study materials and in other dependent variables.

Article Details

How to Cite
The effect of using the digital (smart) whiteboard on the achievement and retention of the first intermediate grade students in geography. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(102), 593-624.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The effect of using the digital (smart) whiteboard on the achievement and retention of the first intermediate grade students in geography. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(102), 593-624.