The discrepancy between recognition and recall in measuring knowledge in the light of discrimination and veracity of paragraphs among sixth grade students in science

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M. Dr.. Khawla Fadel Mughamis


The current research aims at the discrepancy between the two patterns of recognition, which is measured by multiple choice questions, and recall, which is measured by questions of completing the blanks, in measuring close memory among sixth grade students in science.


رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"


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How to Cite
The discrepancy between recognition and recall in measuring knowledge in the light of discrimination and veracity of paragraphs among sixth grade students in science. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(102), 625-648.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The discrepancy between recognition and recall in measuring knowledge in the light of discrimination and veracity of paragraphs among sixth grade students in science. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(102), 625-648.