The dramatic function of the actor in the theatrical performance

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Dr.. Ahmed Shreiji Sadkhan


The term dramaturgy with the German Lessing opened up to all elements of the theatrical show, so it was no longer limited to the organizer of the theatrical rehearsal, but rather the person who bears defining the course of the ideological and aesthetic show’s discourse, and this openness contributed to determining the form of the show as a vision, according to a different reading of the theatrical text, a projective reading on society And the culture of the theatrical performance, and in most cases the dramatic work does not agree with the intent of the original text, but rather carries ideological, political and social loads of the productive culture. Accordingly; The mediator/actor must be able to write his own performance system, establish a system and an imaginary situation for the character he represents, and most of all, a keen awareness to decipher the codes of the author's text, the text of the show, and then write his own text through which he can simulate reality.

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How to Cite
The dramatic function of the actor in the theatrical performance. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(100), 507-532.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The dramatic function of the actor in the theatrical performance. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 24(100), 507-532.