Classifier Systems As Robot Architecture For Behavior Coordination

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Bushra Abdulkareem Abdulazeez


Classifier systems (CS) are used as control architectures for robots in order to decide what to do at each time. We will explain in this research why these systems are good candidates for behavior coordination. We will introduce our system called RACE for collecting objects according to their colors,     a race is held between two robots one of them is controlled by our system the other is controlled by another external system, the job of our robot is to collect balls before the other robot catch them

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How to Cite
Classifier Systems As Robot Architecture For Behavior Coordination. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(58), 17-32.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

Classifier Systems As Robot Architecture For Behavior Coordination. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 15(58), 17-32.