The Dialogue Structure in the Novel (Between Two Hearts) by the novelist (Ali Khayon)

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م.م ايمان حسين محيي



The choice of the writer's (Ali khayoon) novel was the field to research, because of what his novel carries from technical coherent including description and dialogue, except the writer's intervention every now and then in the novel by speaking instead of the hero and break through his special world .

The writer took from Baghdad city place of events, and from the two wars (Iran-Iraq) and (occupation war) time to course of events presenting through them the remnants of the first war and its results and reflections until the second war (occupation of Baghdad) through the characters of the novel.

The dialogue acquired great importance in the narrative work because it is the narrative means adopted by the characters to express their selves and their composition level in particular, and their narrative work field in general.

The writer went to employ the dialogue component for different aims, including the expression of the psychological and emotional reality of characters, and the expression of ideological levels in a representative style instead of depending on the narrative and description only.

The dialogue raised the opinion clarity of the narrative character and what it have within from repressed emotional feelings.

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How to Cite
The Dialogue Structure in the Novel (Between Two Hearts) by the novelist (Ali Khayon). (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 22(95), 59-78.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The Dialogue Structure in the Novel (Between Two Hearts) by the novelist (Ali Khayon). (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 22(95), 59-78.