The future of Iraq in light of the foreign presence A future study of the limits of the foreign military presence in the light of the Iraqi-American security agreement

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م.د. زياد طارق عبد الرزاق


It is not true that the United States has fought and is fighting wars in order to avoid the recurrence of similar new attacks to the attacks of September atheist in 2001, but what do we explain the missile shield Central Europe and the search for a place to base AFRICOM in North Africa and the intervention in Sudan and Somalia and so on from the US interventions in world affairs. . it can not be interpreted only as a monopoly by force, which lies in obtaining a result of the arrest of the oil fields and exports and secure sources of whatever and secure ways of being transferred to the farthest possible.

And should the Americans should acknowledge that their losses in Iraq and Afghanistan exceeded their losses in the terrorist attack that destroyed the World Trade Center towers in New York on September 11 2001, which took him a pretext to occupy the two countries is not true that the United States is able to achieve any victory near or far in Iraq or Afghanistan nor concern to Americans why their withdrawal will succeed in the entire world as far as distract them defeat American pride and the failure of their plans to control the oil of both Iraq and the Gulf to secure oil fields or pipelines from Turkmenistan to Pakistan through Afghanistan or from the Caspian Sea for the benefit of US companies.

Article Details

How to Cite
The future of Iraq in light of the foreign presence A future study of the limits of the foreign military presence in the light of the Iraqi-American security agreement. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 22(95), 301-339.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The future of Iraq in light of the foreign presence A future study of the limits of the foreign military presence in the light of the Iraqi-American security agreement. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 22(95), 301-339.