اثر المعنى في توجيه الاعراب عند ابن هشام الأنصاري

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د. مثنى يوسف حمادة امين


Many say: Arabic grammar is drowned in formalities and does not mean content with proverbs
What is meant by form and pronunciation, and all that grammar does is study the verbal aspect and neglects one aspect
the meaning ; This is what avoids the fact that parsing is a grammatical function that cannot be taken without
Refer to the meaning or connotation of the utterance, whether it is a grammatical device or a utterance affected by the presence of the agent
Grammar (grammar is the law of composition of speech; and a statement of all that the word must be in
Sentence ; and sentence with camel; So that the phrase can be coordinated and can lead to its meaning (a) the purpose of grammar
A statement of parsing and detailing its provisions; Until some of them called it (the science of parsing); the parsing is not
parsing words; or just moving the end of the word; Rather, it is meant by the meaning that is understood by whom
The words and those who pointed out to that Abdul Qaher Al-Jurjani when he said (As for grammar, I thought it was a strike from

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How to Cite
اثر المعنى في توجيه الاعراب عند ابن هشام الأنصاري. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(85), 229-257. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i85.8476
human sciences articles

How to Cite

اثر المعنى في توجيه الاعراب عند ابن هشام الأنصاري. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 20(85), 229-257. https://doi.org/10.35950/cbej.v20i85.8476