The psychological effect of nature in Ibn al-Rumi's poetry

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Dr.. Salam Ahmed Khalaf


Nature, silent and mobile, has long been a subject of human interest.
For expression and representation, he mixed with it, as he could see it easily.

As for the description of nature in Arabic literature, it is not a hadith either. Writers and poets have known
Nature did not mix them with it, and many of them became famous as a man of al-Qais, Dhu al-Rama, al-Buhturi and Ibn
Rumi and drew inspiration from its manifestations in their similes, representations, and poetic expressions.

Clarify their words.
Critics searched for nature and described it in Arabic poetry during the literary ages.

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How to Cite
The psychological effect of nature in Ibn al-Rumi’s poetry. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 67-84.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The psychological effect of nature in Ibn al-Rumi’s poetry. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 67-84.