aggregate behavior and its relationship to memory sentimentality among the students of the Faculty of Arts Jamila University of Baghdad

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Omar Onaizi Salman


Aesthetic behavior and its relationship to emotional intelligence among the
students of the college of Fine Arts, Baghdad University
The process of responding to stimuli aesthetic of State in situations where
the relations aesthetic at a high level can move her conscience pleasure and
satisfaction whether those effects pretty fairly and as far as, at the same time
censure ugliness and profile whether these effects are ugly relatively and as far
as Could be considered subject to the aesthetic as an exciting and provoke the
attention of the recipient makes it rushes to respond to a particular behavior is
called the aesthetic behavior, behavior that is intentional or unintentional, the
result of raising the attention of the receiver to make it aware of aesthetic values.
Aesthetic response and psychological state have a distinct identity and unique
nature, a phenomenon on the table for the study, and measurable.
Perhaps the most important focus of specialists in aesthetic behavior is the
emotional dimension that plays a key role in shaping the kind of intelligence in
which the man accepts or rejects what is offered or exposed by him are models
of taste, calendar, known as emotional intelligence.
And through the literature to inform the researcher on the psychology
found that there is almost a consensus among specialists that the study of public
behavior, they need to begin the study of intelligence as a key variable directs
and drives the behavior and on the way and can distinguish the behavior of each
recipient from the other. Specifically aesthetic behavior. Based on this, the
researcher in this research tries to explore the relationship between behavior and
aesthetic emotional intelligence through the implementation of two measures
were adopted from previous studies on a sample of students from the Faculty of
Fine Arts, which resulted in a positive correlation between these two variables
up to the research sampl

Article Details

How to Cite
aggregate behavior and its relationship to memory sentimentality among the students of the Faculty of Arts Jamila University of Baghdad. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 419-438.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

aggregate behavior and its relationship to memory sentimentality among the students of the Faculty of Arts Jamila University of Baghdad. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(74), 419-438.