Modern building technology and its impact on the ability of expression in contemporary architectural sculpture in the United Arab Emirates

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أ.د. جعفري بن اونج
أ.د روزيه صديق


This study sums up the concept of the impact of the new building technology on the expression value and how it is to be appreciated by the recipient. This new technology, resembled in the architecturally sculpted buildings, is the main focus of this study because such kind of buildings are now considered geographic symbols that tells the story of the values, environment and legacy of those people therefore these buildings are designed in an iconic and ideal way that is long to be talked about. Hence, UAE was deliberately chosen to be subject of this study for its prominent towers through which we could find out the effect of technology on UAE's most valuable, creative and outstanding towers.

 Because of the large and various number of buildings, three samples that are different in the concept of technology and structure were chosen to be subject of this study. This difference in shape and meaning helped determining the conceptual key notes concluded from the previous studies by classifying some of the most important areas of discussion so to understand the meaning of the technological effects implied on the expressive ability of the architecturally sculpted structures.

Some of the discussion areas that dealt with utilizing technology in architecture were: beauty, art, the impact of the technological development on the expressive values of architecture and new building materials; their technology, properties and what they are made of; all together to how the idea would be best interpreted.

When bearing in mind all the previously cited key notes and taking the three chosen samples as subject of research, we were able to find answers to the problems raised in thisresearch and meet its goals stressing on the fact of how this study is of a scientific importance to the architect and artist as it is to the recipient because the latter is now more likely to foresees and argues about the meanings and signs of these iconic buildings that are amazingly-architecturally sculpted.

The great role of technology in production is the most important result concluded from this study proving thatwe cannot adjust with the scientific benefits of the machine without understanding and appreciating the moral purpose behind its design and beauty; as long as it fulfills the humanitarian needs. This greatly helped in forming new ways of expression that did not exist before even in the arts that are interlinked with technology development therefore, technology found its way in creating new environment through informational technology and communication means.

Sculpting architecture also greatly contributed in shading the light on the expressive values more than on the technological techniques because itspurpose is to achieve a new kind of architecture that harmonizes with the environmental circumstances by enhancing the natural systems used in it to make it more appropriate and compliant with the development requirements because the technological concepts change with time and new sciences arise to develop them so to make the best of its properties, expressively and fundame

Article Details

How to Cite
Modern building technology and its impact on the ability of expression in contemporary architectural sculpture in the United Arab Emirates. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 23(98), 299-341.
pure science articles

How to Cite

Modern building technology and its impact on the ability of expression in contemporary architectural sculpture in the United Arab Emirates. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 23(98), 299-341.