The effect of watching the skillful performance with educational mirrors and videography on some kinematic indicators and the accuracy of shooting by jumping basketball

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أ.م.د فاتن اسماعيل محمد العزاوي


The research aims to determine the impact of the use of educational mirrors and imaging alfdaoa some elkinmetekih indicators run to score from jumping basketball has afattrdt  elkinmetekih that both  of these positive influence in learning and precision process and develop some elkinmetekih aspects the study was conducted on junior high yemen team،s 10 players،  the researcher conducted a reconnance experience and then do the test tribal after providing all the business requirements albayumkaniki of cameras and ather then the application modules and then was alraoualachtbarat posteriori the same conditions  tools and  team work  assistant in the tribal tests in order to adjust all extraneous variables that can affect the work accuracy and private research in albayumkaniki، after the comleation of the specified period after receiving the data has been transferred to acomputer for anaylysis and get on the subjectof search data weare then processed statistically it was offered in the private tables and then discuss scientific aoslob precise and accurate enhanced scientific sources،  the researcher has concluded that the educational  osillete mirrors and imaging  alfdaoa effective and positive effect on some of the indicators elkinmetekih and accuracy run  scoring jump of basketball and recommended a researcher at the  conclusion of the need to adopt these two methods to learn different skill in the game of basketball and games and ather need to apply such modules on different games  and reconstrucation and for both sexes with the need to search vimitgaran  bayumkanikih(kinmatk and kinatik) has not been touched upon by the researcher.

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How to Cite
The effect of watching the skillful performance with educational mirrors and videography on some kinematic indicators and the accuracy of shooting by jumping basketball. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 22(96), 769-788.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The effect of watching the skillful performance with educational mirrors and videography on some kinematic indicators and the accuracy of shooting by jumping basketball. (2022). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 22(96), 769-788.