The visual structure of the cat in Historical drama

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د. علي زيد منهل


The ability of the director of the artistic work to choose his expressive sensory images that achieve his goal within his philosophical vision and references in analyzing and installing imaginary sensory images with an aesthetic composition expressing the visual formation during the construction of dramatic events and the mechanism of functioning of the plastic structure in historical drama due to the specificity of this dramatic narrative in The formation of events and the interaction of all technical elements and technical means required in order to build the formation of the shot in the light of the historical drama, as the dramatic construction of the events is of great importance in revealing the totality of the artistic characteristics in order to highlight the formative facts of the historical event and to develop appropriate directorial solutions for the historical dimensions of the shot and the way in which it is done. It has a dramatic treatment of the historical issue, as it is specific in the mechanism of narration and transmission of historical facts

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How to Cite
The visual structure of the cat in Historical drama. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(75), 593-615.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The visual structure of the cat in Historical drama. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 18(75), 593-615.