Published: 2012-06-01

The dispute in time in light of the context and the situation and the reasons for the descent

أ.د. كريم حسين ناصح الخالدي, م. م. شيماء رشيد محمد زنگنة

19 - 46

Waqf and its equivalent terms

م. خالد شاكر حامد

149 - 171

The abrogator and the abrogated in explaining the problem of the effects of Imam Tahawi

أ.م.د عادلة علي ناجي, م. نزار هادي صلبي

171 - 179

Nizari Ismailism in Persia 483-656 AH / 1090-1258 AD

د. علي خضير عباس المشايخي

189 - 198

The effect of using concept maps on acquiring geographic concepts among female teacher preparation institutes students

م. د رنا غانم حامد الطائي, م. ابتسام خلف جواد النداوي

283 - 311

Financial and administrative corruption and its impact on the Iraqi economy after the occupation (causes and treatments)

م. احمد عباس عبد الله المحمدي, م.م. سوسن جبار عودة

311 - 334

The reality of investigative journalism in the Arab world

د.حسين علي إبراهيم الفلاحي

411 - 449

Design a tutorial to implement Communication experiences

د.مها عبد الامير كاظم

449 - 458

Drawings of female artists in Iraqi Kurdistan, their formal features and contents

أ. م. د. جواد نعمت حسين, بيكرد عثمان

477 - 510

Effect of potato and apple peels on the growth of Beta vulgaris

م.م. عبير محمد يوسف الحلاق

651 - 660

Evaluation of patients' information for causes Asthma

م. إيمان محمود إسماعيل

687 - 695

Employing the CORT program to develop innovative thinking and address learning difficulties in handicrafts

أ.د.ضياء جعفر صادق, أ.م.د. رعد عزيز عبد الله, م.د فراس علي الكناني

717 - 742

On gKc-Spaces

Dr. Arkan J. Mohammed, Dr. Haider J. Ali

9 - 15

Histopathology and Cytogenetics study in aborted women

BasmaAkramAbd Hindi, Abd Al-Ameer N. Al-Rekaby

25 - 32

The Combination Effect of Curcumin on the Antibacterial Activity of Antibiotics

Thorria R. Marzoog, Wasnaa H. Mohammed, Iman Ismail Jabbar

99 - 105

On Fuzzy Derivation Of Fuzzy Near-ring

Sameer Qasim Hassan, Mahdi Saleh Nayef

135 - 147

The effect of Captopril on Renal Function Test

Shatha A. Hassan, Junayaa. Sursem

159 - 166

Study of Contamination Soil in LAMA Facility at Al-Tuwaitha Site

Fouzey H. kitah, Dr.Yousif M. Zayir AL-BAKHAT

211 - 216